
Topic: Taglines/Names

Business Name For An Aesthetician

Posted by s_trinh on 25 Points
Hello. I'm looking for a business name that's appropriate for my business. My business will have 2 rooms for facial & two rooms for massage. I'll provide skin care, waxing & massage. I'll also have a "quite room" for clients to relax.
What name should I call my business?
Thanks for your input
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Who is your primary target audience? Where do they live? What unique and important benefit can you promise them?

    What benefit message would you like to communicate? If you don't have a great benefit promise, then you can just call the business "Four Rooms" and leave it at that. (What you have and what you want to do are not relevant to naming. What is relevant is the unique benefit you provide to your target audience.)

    Why would your target audience want to come to you for skin care, waxing or massage?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted

    5 rooms dedicated to your pampering. (tagline).

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