Frequently Asked Marketing Question

How do you conduct a brainstorming session?

Answer: There are lots of ways to do this. You might begin by checking out our article on this subject which you read by clicking here.

More resources related to Advertising

  • Traditional ads such as billboards, television ads, and radio spots may have fallen out of favor more during the pandemic, when businesses were accelerating digital methods. But do traditional ads still have value? This article explores the differences.

  • Mad Men-style advertising, based on interrupting entertainment or news, is still with us—but most marketers recognize that it's unsteady on its feet. The reality is that people are tired of being "targeted" with ads and so are inclined to take evasive action. It's time to dust off the tried-and-true customer testimonial, and turbo-charge it for your website with video storytelling.

  • Do you know where you need to be advertising? Many marketers default to digital, but is that where your audience is? Other advertising methods can be paired with digital for the best strategy, according to Rebecca Bugger.

  • What's missing in any discussion of advertising's future is a deeper analysis of the forces at work.

  • In his new book, According to Kotler, Phil Kotler gives a summary of the key principles of marketing and how they relate to current events such as corporate accounting scandals, outsourcing, globalization, warehouse shopping and online marketing. Here is an excerpt of it, based on the thousands of questions Kotler has been asked over the years by clients, students, business audiences, and journalists. Get the full story.

  • Back in the day, times seemed simpler. Advertising, ad expert Rebecca Bugger and host George B. Thomas conclude, is continually changing, and you should always be testing your methods to see what works and what doesn't. Watch and listen to discover how advertising works today.

  • Marketers can't be blamed for being overwhelmed by the seemingly endless choices that digital advertising offers. But do you have to embrace every option and every channel? There's a better way.

  • Consumer ads have ruled CTV, but with the ever-decreasing gap between home and work life, that doesn't have to be the case. Here's how B2B advertisers can use digital attribution to take advantage of CTV.

  • Brand response and increasing the bottom line no longer have to be mutually exclusive. Brand response advertising combines the best of both worlds. Here's how.

  • With sex, first you have to decide whether you want to do it. And if so, how far you want to go.

  • Manage your advertising risk by subscribing to a tried-and-true "methodology." Learn from the successes (and mistakes) of those who have gone before you.

  • effectively build a brand today, you need PR.

  • Blog advertising expenditures have exploded in the past year. Companies can make a really big brand splash for relatively little money, meaning that blogs provide advertisers an excellent opportunity to reach a devoted audience niche. But blog numbers, until recently, have been little more than curiosities to big brands.

  • An engagement between a buyer and a seller begins with a single point of contact. It could be as a sale or an inquiry that, with the appropriate follow-up, can be converted into an ongoing experience for both the seller and the buyer. It is such an experience or set of experiences that create what we define as an engagement—or at least the potential of creating one.

  • Marketers have recognized the immense creative talent that resides outside of Madison Avenue. They've recognized that, with Consumer-Generated Advertising, properly executed, they can generate quality, consumer-relevant content at a fraction of the cost of conventional agency productions. And these commercials break through the clutter with their "real" feel and relevant messaging.

  • Social marketing is different because your audience talks back—immediately, directly, and sometimes not in your favor. If you're developing a social advertising strategy the way you would for PPC ads or email, you're missing a huge opportunity to capture market share.

  • The proliferation of digital devices, coupled with a deluge of short, "snackable" content, has given consumers greater choice than ever in how and where they consume media. How can you get them to notice your ads?

  • Some ad industry leaders have complained that recent college graduates are ill prepared for today's competitive environment. Why? Because ivory tower professors, they say, are out of touch with the "real world." So maybe it's time for advertising people to give something back, for the sake of our industry's future. Here are 10 ideas.

  • Although we cannot completely trust the psychology that underlies our advertising decision making, we can work to make it more reliable by lowering stress, institutionalizing skepticism, living in the moment, and training and preparing for friction.