
Topic: Taglines/Names

Online Sexual Misconduct Training Product Name & Slogan Review

Posted by ojfranklin on 250 Points
I have started a risk management firm that provides online training to school employees. Our flagship product is a 2 hour long elearning course that teaches employees and administrators how to create situations where it’s less likely that an employee can/will cross the line with a student. We market this training to risk management professionals at large school districts.

TAGLINE: Risk Management Through Collaboration & Training
SHORT DESCRIPTION/ESCALATOR PITCH: MRC provides training solutions to reduce the occurrence and litigation risk of Employee Sexual Misconduct through online training, seminars, and policy analysis.

Here’s what I need help/feedback on:

PRIMARY PRODUCT NAME: Sexual Misconduct Prevention
PRODUCT SLOGAN: High Impact Online Training

Feedback? Comments? Suggestions? I sell a serious product, but the slogan and name seem extremely boring. I'm looking for improvements or any reason that I shouldn't use these.

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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted

    I think the problem begins with your description: "Our flagship product is a 2 hour long elearning course that teaches employees and administrators how to create situations where it’s less likely that an employee can/will cross the line with a student."

    What you should be saying is: "Our flagship product is a 2 hour on line learning course that teaches employees and administrators how to avoid creating situations where an employee might cross the line with a student."

    See the difference?

    PRIMARY PRODUCT NAME: Sex Ed: Staying on the Right Side.
    PRODUCT TAGLINE: Online Training to Help Avoid Potential Sexual Misconduct

    More detail: They're confused and bordering on adulthood - but they're jailbait, and you have a duty of care.

  • Posted by ojfranklin on Author
    Thank you! I have changed the name of the course to "preventing sexual misconduct"

    I'm not to hot on the tagline because it fails to interest the end-user with anything more than "information". We bill ourselves as providing experience where other vendors only provide information.


    I hear the criticism loud and clear, my description wasn't written clearly or concisely, but then again it was only to provide you with background. Let me try again: (MRC) provides training solutions to reduce the occurrence and litigation risk of Educator Sexual Misconduct through online training, seminars and policy analysis. At the heart of our services is the belief that risk of all types can be mitigated through collaboration with the right people and high impact, instructionally sound training.

    FEEDBACK ON PROPOSED PRODUCT NAME: Sex Ed is a term used in the united states for training (typically students) about sex. From STDs and condoms to orgasms and pregnancy, sex education seems to connote very different things than what I'm trying to do.

    I didn't mean to close this out because I was still looking for help with a tagline. And yes, I'm definitely training on sexual misconduct, or more precisely: educator sexual misconduct. In fact your response is typical and understandable if you're looking at the behavior in terms of morality. Educator sexual misconduct training in schools is where sexual harassment training in the corporate world was 20 years ago. In short, sexual harassment training wasn't important to the majority of American corporations just a few decades ago, but now a corporation wouldn't open themselves up to the risk of not providing sexual harassment training. And educator sexual misconduct is just as costly to schools as SH was and is to corporations. The last settlement in San Diego was 1.7 million for the student involved. Does that help paint the picture?

    As far as a tagline, we are now considering a shorter version of "PhilGrisolia=Results" suggestion:

    "Online Training that Works. "

    What do you think?

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