
Topic: Branding


Posted by abollool on 125 Points
I need an advice,,,

I've been an agent for perfume company, and I have opened 250 stores but unfortunately when the mother company , I mean the main distributer realized my expansion, he opened 70 stores of the same brand in one year before the expiry of the contract and refused to renew the contract and won the case and I'm in trouble now, what do I do
If you change the name he will gain all my clients?
What is your advice to rebrand with the knowledge that I can keep the same products with the new name?
Do you have any proposal for marketing campaign that keep my customers come into my new stores?

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Okay, I am not going to pull punches here.

    You have experienced what a niche marketer calls a "Google slap".

    All your eggs were in one basket and someone kicked it over.


    (1) You have a clientele. What do they like and what do they not like.

    If you do not know the answer to this, you have no business any more. Final.

    (2) You have 250 stores - that is an awful lot of stores to run on one affiliate scheme. You are not the first person to be denied their rights to affiliate for a business. It is something that people should be wary of.

    (3) Have you a (e)mailing list of your clients? If you do not have, then you have wasted a great deal of time and effort. You aren't the first and you won't be the last. If this is the case, pack up and leave. Now.

    (4) Why did your supplier open 70 stores? Did you not notice, did you take no interest? What was your response? Lie down and take it like a dog?

    Final warning: why only 125 points. That reckons your stores at a value of 1/2 point per store. Either you have given up already, or you gave up before you opened them. If you were really worried about them they would be worth more than half your free allowance of points.

    If this is the situation you find yourself in, you need a reputable marketer and you will be willing to pay them $40 000 to pull you out of trouble. Plus they will want a cut of any profits you make in the next 10 years.

    The choice is yours.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Can you pick up a different line of perfumes to sell through your stores? Something your customers would like, so continue to stay as your customers?

    If the name of your stores is the name of the prior perfume company, then you likely will need to change the name. But if it isn't, then you should be able to keep it.

    Of course, local laws impact this, and it isn't clear to me where you are.

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