
Topic: Strategy

Beer Case Study

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I urgently need some help for the creation of a beer strategy. Any case studies are welcomed.
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  • Posted on Author
    Existing case studies might help. Although consumers might be different from region to region i think the basic outlline is the same.
    Marketing strategy will be more interested to me.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I agree with Billc24 - we need more information. For example, in America, you get beers ranging from mass produced (like Budweiser) to hand crafted micro brews to premium imports. The marketing strategy for Budweiser would involve marketing budgets in the millions of dollars per year, where the micro brews spend perhaps a few thousand.

    If you are a micro brew, it would not be useful to try to use Budweiser's marketing model as a template for yours.

    Then we also have differences between countries. Even just taking France (a wine country) and Germany (a beer country) - you would have to market the beers vastly differently just between these neighboring countries. And that ignores the big changes, such as you would find if you were marketing a beer in the Middle East.

    I see you have 3 questions open on similar beer related subjects, yet didn't provide many details in any. You may find that you can get better info if you provide some information. Country, how the beer is currently targeted (premium brand, mass produced, etc.), etc.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Hi whitefeud,

    An excellent beer strategy case study is the Interbrew entry into the North-America market (from the Ivey School of Business in Canada). Given my natural interest in the category (and my Belgian origin :-)), you can also email me directly at to give you comments as you move along in the strategy development.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The process for creating a marketing strategy for a beer brand is exactly the same as the process for creating a marketing strategy for any other consumer packaged goods brand. You don't need a case study for beer marketing; you need to master the basics of creating a marketing strategy.

    Start by identifying the target audience and learning all you can about their needs, values, likes/dislikes, beliefs, habits and practieces, attitudes and awareness of the brands in the category. Look especially for unmet needs or aspirations that are not being fulfilled by any of the current brands.

    That will lead you to a positioning opportunity, and the positioning will become the cornerstone of your marketing plan.

    That's the short version. You get the idea, of course. A case study will only tell you wnat someone else found, in their city/country, at a point in time that's past, for a product they had or wanted to develop. Chances are it wouldn't be right for your market today.

    Hope this helps. Good luck.

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