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August 2007


Seven Case Histories of Best Practices in Marketing Across the Globe

By Kerry E. Smith, publisher of The Global Marketer

The globalization of commerce has produced a wealth of new ideas in virtually every field of endeavor, with the Internet serving as catalyst and conduit for communicating to everyone everywhere at virtually the same point in time. Marketers are reaping the benefits of this process, swapping new ideas while shaping to their own needs concepts, strategies and techniques used by colleagues in far and distant lands -- borrowing a bit here, improving some there, rejecting what’s less likely to work. Read More

TUNE UP Articles from MarketingProfs

How a European B2C Manufacturer's Web Site Tapped the US Market, Encouraged Community

By Laurie Lande

Dunderson, a Swedish manufacturer of high-end urban clothes, wanted to expand its clientele to key the US market. Since the vast majority of its business came from third-party retailers selling to European consumers, it had limited exposure to Americans—mostly through one retail outlet in New York City. At the same time, it wanted to shift its business model more toward direct business-to-consumer sales via its Web site. Read More

Strategizing Your Next Move In The Global Game

By Karin K. Schaff-Glazier

Are you looking for ways to find new markets and customers? Companies today realize marketing their brand and selling their offerings only in the United States is becoming even more challenging. Businesses are facing fiercer competition, smaller customer segments resulting from corporate downsizing or businesses closing their doors, as well as the change in consumer-buying behaviors fueled by an unpredictable economy. Read More

TUNE IN Cool Websites and Trends

The Global Marketer: The world's most comprehensive library of marketing campaigns. They've got hundreds in their archive, each professionally written and searchable via keyword, objective, tactic, strategy and country. A campaign "best practice" is identified in each write-up.

The Global Marketer is extending to our readers free access to the 'Campaign Pro-Files' section of their site for today only (August 6). Click here to access the marketing campaigns free of charge (a $295 value) until midnight EST.

L.A. Roadshow: A sneak preview of new film, TV, games and music opportunities to connect with your consumer on September 18-20.
MoCo Loco: Take a look at the latest in the world of modern contemporary design and architecture.

FINE TUNE Cool Marketing Stuff We Have Found from Around the World

Feel This:  A two-word printed message on the back of a plain white envelope personally addressed and hand-delivered to married women with children in urban areas of Malaysia. Inside was a small seed that could be felt through the paper, and a message, signed by the Obstetric and Gynecological Society of Malaysia likening it to how a cancerous lump feels like in a breast exam. How successful was the campaign?  Read Kerry E. Smith's article to find out!


A Note from CEO Jim Holbrook: Promotions Just Make Good Sense

It is great to be part of an industry and profession that is moving very rapidly from the back of the bus to front and center.

I am in awe of the great promotions work done around the world and how all of this work is getting sharper, smarter and more strategic.  Kerry Smith’s article herein covers several examples of promotions that are truly outstanding.

And, as Kerry’s examples showcase, promotions from all corners are more effective than ever because they do ‘activate’ people.  We’ve all heard this promise before.  Activation!  But what does it mean?  I think it means using the five senses to really get people to stop and take notice and then compel them to do something.

Look at Kerry’s example from Malaysia.  A simple card with ‘Feel This,’ a small embedded seed in the paper and an explanation of what breast cancer feels like.  What could be more compelling?  Or another example - the Lynx launch (we know it in the States as Axe deodorant) in Australia.  Very stimulating indeed and one that touches upon multiple senses.

Take a look at the ‘activating’ work coming out of our agencies.  For fun, hit Equity Marketing's and enjoy what you might look like if you lived in Homer’s world.  And, if you were recently in Toronto, you may have felt sensory overload at Upshot's P&G Look Fab pop up retail beauty boutique.

My point is that great marketing goes beyond just the visual and uses multiple senses to get through to consumers.  And, appealing to people’s senses is truly the universal language.  That’s what activation is all about!


Last Issue's Top Article

Entertaining Promotions:
Adding Fireworks to Your Marketing Program!

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Rachel Saunders
Director of Communications
t. 323 932 4034