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November 2007
EMAK Insider

A Note from CEO Jim Holbrook:
Making the Right Choices Easy

I happen to like where the marketing profession is (finally) going. The days of marketing being "the function that empties the warehouse of built-up inventories" are ending. And the days of us saying, "we market to this group or that group" are ending. Even the bad jag of being "disruptive" has run its course.

George Silverman, on his marketing blog, has summed it up nicely: "Marketing is not something you do to customers; it's a service you do for customers, the service of making the right choices easy." I like that definition, because it puts the customer first, and it speaks to the real value we, as marketers, add to the value chain.

We help customers make the right choices, and we help make those choices easy. If we compare all the marketing going on out there to that objective, we can see that our profession hasn't fully caught on yet. There's still a lot of dreck, and some is complicated dreck.

Just look at our PromoSweep results: Some in-store promotions are better than others, for sure. Fortunately, our agencies are focused and headed in the right direction. You're probably asking yourself, "How do I make it happen?" The only way to successfully implement this tactic is to become the customer.

Our agencies are committed to differentiating our products and services from the competition. With PromoSweep, the Logistix team hits the streets and heads into the stores to see firsthand what is being presented/offered to the customer. In taking this vicarious approach to marketing, we understand what our customers need, and we make it easy for them to understand.

Good marketing is easy to spot. Around here, we're all for the good kind of marketing!

Jim Holbrook
Publisher of Stay Tuned


PromoSweep: Each month, Logistix shoppers are combing the shelves of grocery and mass-market retailers around Southern California to gather critical information about brand promotions. See what the competition is up to. Read PromoSweep.

What is Your Brand up Against?
Use this issue of PromoSweep to evaluate your on-shelf promotions for the quarter.
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Want to Know More About Promotions in the Marketplace? Read PromoSweep
Sharon Mord, Logistix
PromoSweep has become an essential tool both for the development of outbound marketing campaigns and to provide insight to Logistix' clients.
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The Demise of the 4 Ps Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
Paul A. Barsch
The 4 Ps aren't dead—not even close. Differentiation can still be squeezed from the marketing mix.
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How much of today's marketing is clutter?


Tapatap: A Contest Community where users create their own contests to share and socialize.

43 Things: What do you want to do with your life?  See what people are really thinking about.

Pandora: Create your own music station based on your favorite artist or song.

Killeen Shuda
Director of Communications
t. 323 932 4308

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