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March 2007


What to Expect as Retailers Reach the Limits to Organic Growth: A Conversation with Retailing Expert Dan O’Connor

By Dan O'Connor

The squeeze is on for big chain retailers, says Dan O’Connor. Market saturation – with over 200 of the 250 major US Markets now overstored- concentration, substitution, and a ceiling on the number of consumer shopping trips are converging. The result is a fundamental change as retailers rapidly evolve into sophisticated marketers. What are the implications for manufacturers? Read More

TUNE UP Articles from MarketingProfs

Building the Better Guest Experience

By Noel Franus

Small changes can create a big shift in customer loyalty. Here's a simple approach for turning bad scenes into golden relationships (and profits). Read More

Three Keys to Delivering World-Class Service

By Jay Lipe

Every so often, I'm hired by a company to develop a marketing plan for its business. Yet after conducting my initial assessment, I discover that the company's lack of a marketing plan isn't the problem. The real problem is the company's poor service. For these companies, spending any money at all on marketing is like pouring fine wine down a sinkhole. Read More

TUNE IN Cool Websites and Trends

The world's first user-created advertising platform:

Why Not? Idea exchange: how to use everyday ingenuity to solve problems big and small:

The world’s largest online marketplace for freelance talent:

FINE TUNE Cool Marketing Stuff We Have Found from Around the World

A Note from CEO Jim Holbrook: Four Steps to Combating Choredom-Boredom

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to shopping, I feel like screaming like the lady in the shopping bag below. Why is it that I just can’t seem to muster up enough strength to push through the crowds, deal with sales help who don’t know their right from their left and shield myself from neon lights that are supposed to guide me to my product of choice? Is it me? Is it the places I shop? Am I a victim of uninventive retailers like my local Wal-Mart that make me feel like shopping is a chore?

I think retailers today are in big trouble. Directly responsible for what I call the illness of choredom-boredom, when consumers regard shopping as a chore, retailers have created an unpleasant shopping experience for consumers and we are tired of it. Boring retailers around the globe are losing their consumer business to more inventive retailers like Whole Foods and in order to survive, they need a solution that will attract consumers back to their stores.

And that’s where we come in. Through much research, we have found the antidote to choredom-boredom. Based on four key variables that retailers need to pay attention to in order to combat consumer’s choredom-boredom, our prescription for success will give retailers the tools and insight they need to remedy this ever growing problem in retail today.

Below is a link to our white paper, “A Formula for Success: Four Key Retail Variables That Will Combat Consumers’ Choredom-Boredom.” Check it out. You probably didn’t know it, but the antidote to choredom-boredom was right under your nose …


Last Issue's Top Article

Word of mouth has been with us forever. But word of mouth marketing is a new marketing specialty that is as actionable, trackable, and plannable as any other form of marketing.


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Rachel Saunders
Director of Communications
t. 323 932 4034