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  • Digital advertising is booming, but it's best not to invest in every single channel at once. An ad tech expert shares some wisdom.

  • Personalized targeting has worked for banner advertisers for years. However, it was never feasible for OTT—until now. Here's why your OTT ad strategy needs work.

  • Advertising is a B2B e-commerce marketer's best friend—but it can stab you in the back if you don't measure the return correctly. Here are six mistakes to watch out for.

  • Global advertising spend is on course to rise by 8.3% in 2022, but is forecast to slow significantly and increase by only 2.6% in 2023, according to recent research from WARC.

  • When basic SEO feels like crawling up the flat surface of a rock, Google Ads can give your marketing a lift. Here are the basic types and some best-practices.

  • This infographic looks at how the digital audio market is evolving, including which formats and technologies are on the rise. It also delves into the current state of digital audio advertising and explores how marketers can boost the impact of their audio campaigns.

  • Television CPMs have gone up 31% since 2019—the steepest increase in more than two decades—and they are up 10% year-over-year in 2022, according to recent research from WARC Media.

  • Programmatic: it's not only an ad strategy aimed at acquiring customers but also a tool for recruiting employees. The technology allows employers to target and discover better job candidates.

  • Marketers can't be blamed for being overwhelmed by the seemingly endless choices that digital advertising offers. But do you have to embrace every option and every channel? There's a better way.

  • How can B2B marketers make use of out-of-home (OOH) advertising? Learn how to get started, tackle hurdles along the way, measure your success, and more from AdQuick CEO Matthew O'Connor.

  • Which creative approaches work best for advertisers on Reddit? To help marketers optimize their campaigns, the social platform created this infographic.

  • This infographic makes the case for why ads have a big impact on Reddit by presenting data related to user behavior and community engagement.

  • Do you know where you need to be advertising? Many marketers default to digital, but is that where your audience is? Other advertising methods can be paired with digital for the best strategy, according to Rebecca Bugger.

  • Ever try to explain how hot it is outside in Celsius when your audience is familiar only with Fahrenheit? That's what marketing measurement can feel like. Check out the methods in this article to get to the bottom of marketing's business value.

  • You know when you were a kid visiting a museum and hated reading long blocks of text but loved the slimy "touch and feel" displays? That's pretty much how interactive advertising works—and for generating leads, it definitely works.

  • This infographic provides common specs for social media video ads that marketers can use across channels.

  • Consumer ads have ruled CTV, but with the ever-decreasing gap between home and work life, that doesn't have to be the case. Here's how B2B advertisers can use digital attribution to take advantage of CTV.

  • Sometimes all the persuasive arguments in the world are useless compared with real-life case studies. Here are four that should convince you how useful attribution analytics can be.

  • This infographic explores performance trends for UGC advertising and how social networks are investing in UGC.

  • You've been throwing free content at people, and they're not engaging with it. You're exhausted. Your CEO agrees: It's time to buy their attention. Try one of these seven paid marketing strategies.