Frequently Asked Marketing Question

I need to analyse my website and compare it with other websites. Where do I start?


When it comes to analyzing and comparing websites, the first step is to identify the purpose of your website. What is the goal of your website? Is it to provide information, sell products, or provide a service? Once you have identified the purpose of your website, you can begin to compare it with other websites that have similar goals.

The next step is to look at the design and layout of your website. How does it compare to other websites in terms of usability and aesthetics? Are there any features that make your website stand out from the competition? Are there any areas where your website could be improved?

Once you have evaluated the design and layout of your website, you can move on to evaluating its content. Does your website contain relevant and up-to-date information? Is the content engaging and easy to read? Are there any areas where additional content could be added to improve the user experience?

The next step is to evaluate how well your website performs in terms of search engine optimization (SEO). Does your website contain keywords that are relevant to its content? Are there any areas where SEO could be improved?

Finally, you should evaluate how well your website performs in terms of social media marketing. Does your website have a presence on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Are there any areas where social media marketing could be improved?

By taking the time to analyze and compare your website with other websites, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure that your website is performing as well as possible. This will help you stay ahead of the competition and ensure that your website is providing an optimal user experience.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your website is performing as well as possible and staying ahead of the competition. By taking the time to analyze and compare your website with other websites, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure that your website is providing an optimal user experience.

More resources related to Branding and Positioning

  • Lawson Abinanti, B2B marketing and messaging strategy consultant, offers tips for positioning a B2B brand, and urges marketers to be "ruthless" by focusing on ideal buyers instead of diverting resources to one-off sales.

  • With the right strategy in place, webinars can generate high-quality leads and drastically increase revenue. But they—and you—can't do any of that if you can't get people to register and attend.

  • Too many executives pursue a branding campaign when it is positioning that is required.

  • Everyone has a website stuffed with content ranging from the important to the useless. But marketing initiatives aimed at a highly targeted audience require their own space and identity if they are to succeed. When you use the Web as your vehicle for your campaign, the obvious solution is a video-campaign microsite.

  • Does the hype of the iPhone equal runaway success? Is the game already won? Or will there be an equal and opposite reaction when possibility and excitement about the future gives way to reality, and inevitable issues arise with service, availability, bugs in functionality and unfulfilled expectations?

  • Consumers are beginning to take environmental impact into consideration in purchase decisions. Businesses that demonstrate environmental responsibility have the opportunity to contribute favorably to their images while aligning themselves with the preferences of their customers. To get the full value out of green practices over time, companies need to let the public know what they are doing and why it matters.

  • Kronos had an obvious identity problem that clearly impacted its sales performance, so getting support from the executive suite for a branding initiative should have been a slam-dunk. Except not quite. While everyone agreed there was a brand problem, the solution was costly and very long-term. Here's how Marketing won over Management, by talking a language they understood.

  • These 18 concepts will give you an edge on your competition—or an edge, period. So if the same old left-brain thinking that everybody else is using just doesn't get you where you want to be, try these creative concepts on for size.

  • Eduardo Conrado is the Vice President of Global Business and Technology Marketing & Communications for Motorola. His role encompasses three of Motorola's four primary businesses with revenues of over $17 billion: Home & Networks Mobility, Government & Public Safety, and Enterprise Mobility. Eduardo controls the marketing for all of Motorola's enterprise B2B products worldwide. Here, he discussses his approach to thought leadership as well as how he defines success. He also offers insights into which Web 2.0 tactics are working for his teams around the globe.

  • There's so much that business can learn from showbiz: Not to step onto the stage with a lousy script. How to give a blockbuster performance. How to get your face in the newspaper without robbing a bank. But, before you can even think about how to develop box-office appeal for your business, you gotta know what part you're playing.

  • If you hadn't paid much attention to title tags until now, but you implemented the basic concepts covered in part one of this series, you are already well on your way to creating a better user experience as well as a more-optimized search experience. Of course, most of us aren't satisfied with just the basics.

  • Every day we are bombarded with bad news about the economy: dismal corporate earnings, budget cuts, advertising gone dark, clients and agencies and people coming and going, and a sense of turbulence, malaise, and timidity. What can marketing do? Today's brand leaders should follow these 7 Ps of branding as a guide during the recession, and beyond....

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  • Eigen values are what marketers use when we're doing our best work. Once we view everything that our brand does through the prism of eigen-value standards, it changes how we launch our websites, train our customer-service people, and hire our employees. Want to see how an eigen value plays out in real life? Look at Vibram and its FiveFingers shoe.

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  • Corporate rebranding is intricate and time-consuming; but with the mergers, acquisitions, and ownership changes of the current dynamic business environment, it's a necessary endeavor. Avoid these pitfalls and use this checklist to ensure uniform, integrated distribution of your new brand/name.

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