Michael Lowenstein
Building Profitable Customer-Centric Strategies: Identify Strategic Opportunities and Challenges (Part 1 of 4) Increasingly, corporate leaders in all industries are seeing the value of making their organizations customer-centric. What can customer-centricity mean to your company? How do you determine your company’s potential? And what must you do to create, lead and maintain a truly customer-focused organization? This four-part series will show you how to integrate various techniques to profitably grow your wholly customer-centric business. (Please note: This article is available only to Premium or Preferred subscription members. Read more information or sign up here.) Get the full story.
Scott Buresh Q&A With Brad Hill of Building Your Business with Google For Dummies Brad Hill's popular books, among them "Google For Dummies," "Yahoo! For Dummies," and "Internet Searching For Dummies," take what are often highly technical concepts and present them in ways that are accessible to the average reader. Here, he shares his take on the current and future search engine landscape and discusses his latest "Dummies" book. Get the full story.

Joseph Laferrera The Copying of Digital Content: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going Before the ubiquity of the Internet, technology prognosticators spoke longingly of “digital convergence”—a future in which computers would be as likely to play music, record a television show or place a phone call as they were to balance a checkbook or print a letter. To a surprising extent, their predictions are coming true. But while technologists may have been well prepared, lawmakers seem to have been caught by surprise. Get the full story. |
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A Note to Readers All Content, All the Time Greetings, discerning readers. On tap this week is a bounty of articles about my favorite subject, content. We have a mix of content-specific…well, content this week: from the task of managing content, to why you need a business blog, to the legality of copying digital content, to the more simple task of writing a kicking sales letter. This week, we also kick off the first of an excellent four-part Premium series on the value of making your organization truly customer-centric. The first piece, by Michael Lowenstein, lays the groundwork for what you need to do to create, lead and maintain a customer-focused company. Take a look – it’s the best five bucks you’ll spend this summer! So – enjoy! And drop me a line to tell me what you think. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged. Until next week, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com MarketingProfs.com P.S. We may be all content, all the time…except next week, when the staff of MarketingProfs is taking a summer reprieve for the Independence Day holiday here in the US. We won’t darken your mailbox on Tuesday, July 6th. But we’ll be back in force the following week, on July 13th. See you then!
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B.L. Ochman What Could Your Company Do With a Blog? While many businesses are still getting used to the idea of having any kind of Web presence, forward-thinking companies are looking at blogs as simple, self-sustaining Web sites and Intranets.
If you’re not thinking about how to use blogs in your business, you’re missing a big opportunity. Get the full story.

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll SWOT Team: Breaking Into the Marketing Biz This week, add your own two cents to the current dilemma: how can recent grads or those looking to change careers break into marketing? What works? What doesn’t? Also this week, read your suggestions to: Help! We’re getting flattened by a boss’s steamroller! Get the full story. |

Ernest Nicastro How to Write a Smooth Sales Letter for Results Here’s the scenario: your company has made the final cut, and you and a partner are scheduled to make the Big Presentation to the purchasing committee. Close the deal, and the two of you will split a high five-figure commission, with significant residual income throughout the life of the contract. No question about it, you and your partner are going to spend a substantial amount of time preparing, organizing and rehearsing your presentation. Here's one important suggestion: Make the effort to make your copy flow. Get the full story.

Gerry McGovern Managing Content Is a Process, Not a Project When something is new, we need to approach it in an exploratory manner. We need to experiment and try things out. And so it has been with the Web. That period is now over. We need to move from seeing our Web sites as a series of projects to managing them as a well-planned process. Get the full story.
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