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Jim Lenskold Marketing ROI Moves From the Agenda Into Action Great news for corporate executives with an eye on marketing performance: The discipline of measuring and managing marketing ROI is rapidly growing and taking hold. For at least the past five years, executive surveys have put marketing ROI at the top of the agenda, and you had to wonder when the talk would lead to action. The results of the forthcoming "2006 Marketing ROI and Measurement Trend Study," produced in partnership with MarketingProfs, show a sizable jump in marketing's ability to measure financial impact. The bottom line is this: Marketing organizations need to assess where they stand and how well they are progressing relative to their industry. Get the full story. Want to play with the data? Click this button to view and filter the Marketing ROI (Year 2) Benchmark Survey Results.
Note: This article and the survey results are available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here. |
Ruth P. Stevens Secrets of Tradeshow Lead Management: Quality Trumps Quantity In tradeshow marketing, it is tempting to boast about the busy buzz at your booth and how many leads you generated. But don't succumb to temptation. You would be so much better off if you paid attention to lead quality instead of quantity. One secret to tradeshow success is your ability to qualify prospects on the tradeshow floor. Here's why. Get the full story. Need to know more? Play the recording of our seminar: Trade Show Strategies: Bigger Bang for Your Marketing Buck. 
Note: This seminar recording is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here. |

John Moore Jumbo Shrimp Marketing: Get Bigger by Acting Smaller When small businesses dream, they usually dream of becoming a bigger business. But at some point, big becomes a matter of being convenient rather than unique (McDonald's). Big becomes a game of market share rather than customer care (Wal-Mart). Big becomes ubiquitous (Microsoft). It seems that by the time a small business gets big, it's time for it to act small again. Paradoxical? Yes. Impractical? No. Get the full story. |
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A Note to Readers Blogging Toward Spring Yesterday morning, I was brooding about increasing the profile and visibility of the latest MarketingProfs baby—the MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog. Monday was a rainy, chilly morning in Boston; hoping for spring and hoping for traffic seemed equally fruitless exercises. In fact, I've come to realize that the immediacy of blogging as a publishing tool can lead to frustration on the traffic side. In other words, you may get content to your audience more quickly, but the same old publishing rule of growing your audience one reader at a time still applies. It's not "just add water and stir" when it comes to conjuring up an audience. Then I stumbled upon a doodle of Hugh Macleod's that seemed to sum up my predicament beautifully. See his drawing (titled Your Traffic) here. As always, Hugh's "Gaping Void" commentary offers up much-needed perspective. So thanks, Hugh. Nevertheless, please do visit the MarketingProfs Daily Fix—and leave a comment or two. It'd be nice to know that you (and spring) are just around the corner. Until next time, Ann Handley ann@marketingprofs.com Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs
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What can YOU learn in 90 minutes?
April 27, 2006
Marketing's Role
as Chief
Customer Officer
Presenter: Jeanne Bliss will draw on first-hand experience at top companies like Lands End and Microsoft to describe the role that marketers must take on as the enterprise leader for customers.
May 11 , 2006
Marketing Research the Guerilla Way
Robert Kaden, author of Guerrilla Marketing Research, presents tools to develop action-oriented research and guidelines for stretching your research budget.
Tim Kitchin The Case for an Identity Preference Service: Saving the Relationship Marketing Industry (Part 1 of 2) Consumer preference services are a proven tool to curb the invasive use of personal data through cold calling and cold mailing. They protect the integrity of the marketing industries that rely upon telephone and post. But they fail to address the root cause of customer abuse—data gathering, CRM, and analytical processes that systematically abuse customers without their knowledge. Here is the first of a two-part argument for an identity preference service to protect the integrity of the entire relationship marketing industry. Get the full story. |

Kara Dullea Greed Eroding Journalism's Credibility At a time when America is still feeling the sting of a prominent columnist being paid handsomely by a third-party for writing favorable opinion pieces; the nation's most respected newspaper publishing fabricated stories; and television stations running government-supplied and funded video news releases to report stories about the war, more greed is not good. And it's not just happening among the nation's elite news organizations. Get the full story. |

MarketingProfs Templates Boiling Giant Projects Down to Manageable Ones Comprehensive how-to Marketing Templates give you a leg up on the competition. A MarketingProfs’ Template includes step-by-step instructions for implementing a new program.
Our first Template is about Competitive Analysis. Our second one is about Trade Show Marketing. For access to these (and all future templates), upgrade your membership today! |
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Mike Schultz Generating Leads, Brand, Relationships, and Trust at the Same Time Relationships. Trust. Delivery of superb value. These are core ingredients of a successful service firm. Talk to 100 service firm marketers and leaders, and they'll all tell you (and most of them believe it) that their firm is at the top of their industry in each of these categories. Why, then, do service firms typically do such a poor job of bringing relationships, trust, and value into their marketing mixes? Get the full story. |

Eran Livneh Reverse-Engineer Your Marketing Reverse engineering is the process of working back to a solution from an end result. In the era of result-oriented marketing (how did we ever afford to do it differently?), reverse engineering can help marketers refocus their efforts and resources to ensure marketing delivers results that are in line with business goals. Let's start with a simple scenario. Get the full story. |
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