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Vol. 4 , No. 37     September 13, 2005


In this Newsletter:

  1. Mobile Marketing to Millennials: Is Your Brand Moving as Fast as Young Adults Are?
  2. Usability: One Sure Way to Maximize Sales (and Increase Conversions)
  3. Three (Plus One) of the Best Marketing Books of 2005: Start Reading Here
  4. How to Create Stronger Value Propositions
  5. A Marketing Toolkit for Every CEO
  6. Three Effective Ways to Open a Sales Letter
  7. Marketing Challenge: Setting Your Marketing Budget

Exact Target


Monday is so last week. Precision email software company ExactTarget is sharing expertise in the new whitepaper, "Best Day To Send Email." It includes insight on trends and tips on maximizing clickthroughs and opens. If that isn't enough, ExactTarget offers a Referral Program with a monthly PlayStation Portable drawing.

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Premium Content

Mitch McCasland
Mobile Marketing to Millennials: Is Your Brand Moving as Fast as Young Adults Are?

Marketers have long known the challenge of reaching consumers between the ages of 18 and 22. Their lives are in transition. Some are in the workforce, others are in school—or both. Regardless, they are reaching out on their own, for the first time, while keeping some connections with home. These dynamic variables create challenges for marketers who wish to connect with them.

Young consumers are often the architects of change in our culture. They find the most amazing ways in which to use technology, often beyond its original intent. They are physically mobile and mentally agile. And if your brand isn't moving at least as fast as they are, you're falling behind.

Get the full story.

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Lisa Wehr
Usability: One Sure Way to Maximize Sales (and Increase Conversions)

One way to increase your conversion ratio is to make sure your Web site is easy to navigate and information is easy to find. In other words, ensure its "usability." Often, search engine optimization and marketing principles benefit a site's usability with people as well as search engines.

Here are some tips on how to improve usability and improve your conversion rates.

Get the full story.

Jack Covert
Three (Plus One) of the Best Marketing Books of 2005: Start Reading Here

With the start of autumn and a new school year comes a renewed emphasis on learning. That's true for those of us who haven't ridden a big yellow bus for many years.

So, among the dozens of marketing books published every year, here are three (plus on bonus title) published in 2005 that are worth reading (and buying).

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Finding Meaning in Difficult Times

Greetings, discerning readers.

After receiving last week's newsletter, MarketingProfs reader Miriam Schwab took me to task for not uttering a word about Hurricane Katrina and its terrible aftermath along the US Gulf Coast. The truth is, I did think about writing something, but felt a little tongue-tied at the prospect: What could I possibly say that might be at all meaningful, and not merely a perfunctory expression of sympathy?

Then, yesterday, my friend Holly Benzenhafer Redford offered perspective that I found enlightening. Holly now lives near Boston but grew up in Mississippi, approximately 120 miles inland from the Gulf Coast. Her family still lives there, and she spent most of August 29 on the phone with her parents, keeping vigil with hourly phone calls as the winds blew, trees fell, and the water rose. Happily, although her parents lost electricity, the phone line never went dead.

For those of us who don't live in or near the Gulf Coast, and who wonder how to best help those who do, Holly offered a prescription.

First, give money. If you have it, give it. There are many organizations collecting on behalf of the hurricane victims and rebuilding efforts, including local places of worship and the Red Cross (

Second, give of your time. The Red Cross recently issued a call for an additional 40,000 volunteers to act in various humanitarian capacities. Training as a Red Cross volunteer is a gift you'll be able to offer victims of this disaster... as well as those of the next.

Finally, and most fundamentally, be mindful of the hardship, suffering and even the inconveniences of those who are still struggling with the storm's wake (and who likely will continue to struggle for some time to come).

As Holly said: Every time you turn on a light, be thankful you have electricity, and think of those who don't. Every time you go to your office or to school, be grateful you have an office or school to go to. Every time you stop for gas, think of those who have been waiting in gas-ration lines for two hours or more. And each time you come home, be thankful you have a home to come back to.

Simply keep the victims in mind as you go through life's daily routines. It's a powerful way to honor those far less fortunate than ourselves.

Thanks for stopping by. As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Do You Know Who Your Most Profitable Customers Are?
  2. The Secret to Great Marketing Research: Ask the Right Questions
  3. A Nation of Dog Lovers: Reaching Out to Pet Owners
  4. If a Lead Falls in a Forest, Does Anyone Hear?
  5. Killer, not Filler: Metrics That Make the Case for Quality Content
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Recent Know-How Exchange Questions/Answers

  1. Writing Effective Business Proposals
  2. Which Is Better?
  3. Outsourcing Software Development
  4. Yahoo Email Deliver Avoiding the Bulk Filter
  5. I Need To Learn About Costumer Intimacy Plan


Jill Konrath
How to Create Stronger Value Propositions

To get customers to consider a change to the status quo, you have to give them a good reason. A really good reason. They need to know about the tangible business results they'll get from using your product or service.

One of the best ways to awaken prospective customers is to jolt them with a statement about the significant difference that your offering can make. And the bigger the jolt, the better.

Get the full story.

Laura Patterson
A Marketing Toolkit for Every CEO

If you're the CEO of a small or medium-sized business, your challenges not only include prioritizing the numerous demands on your time, balancing short-term opportunities with long term goals, managing cash flow and long sales cycles, solving resource shortages ranging from funds to people, but also wearing a the variety of hats. You are often responsible for closing key deals and serving as the company's primary marketer.

Sound familiar? Then build this simple CEO marketing toolkit, designed to save you valuable time and money.

Get the full story.

Ernest W. Nicastro
Three Effective Ways to Open a Sales Letter

Your direct mail package clears a major hurdle when your prospect opens the envelope.

The moment of truth has arrived. The next 3-5 seconds will largely determine whether your marketing effort is a success or failure, because it's during those critical first few seconds that your prospect decides whether to continue reading.

Get the full story.

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll
Marketing Challenge: Setting Your Marketing Budget

This week: How does a business determine how much to devote to its marketing budget?

Unfortunately, there's no magic number or formula. The most common answer is, "It depends."

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

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