MarketingProfs Today
Your Source for What Matters in Marketing • From the Team at MarketingProfs
Monday, April 20, 2020
Hi, friend.

This is the first of likely several special issues of MarketingProfs Today that will offer up timely advice on Marketing in a Covid World.

This pop-up Monday edition is just one way we're doubling-down to serve you—and all of our community. We've also planned these free events for the MarketingProfs community: 

* How to Write Your Face Off: Writing for Non-Writers: with our own Ann Handley. This free program is this Friday, April 24. See more information and register here.

* Relax, Release, Realign: The Art of Mindful Living: with MarketingProfs founder and Mindful USC director Allen Weiss. If you missed the April 17 program, you can still access it on-demand.

These are indeed stressful times. (We're not saying "unprecedented"; more on that below!) And MarketingProfs is here to help you navigate them how and when we can. 

Stay well. Stay safe. We appreciate you.

—Team MarketingProfs

P.S. If there's a program you'd like to see us offer, we'd love to hear it. Shelley in Customer Service is all ears.

P.P.S. We've ungated all of our Covid-related content, so feel free to share far and wide.

In This Special Issue:

Marketing and CX During a National Emergency: Getting Real About Customer-Centricity
Marketers' Muddy Waters: 40 Days and 40 Nights
How to Write Your Face Off: Writing for Non-Writers [Free Webinar]
Three Effective Ways to Stay Agile and Relevant in Trying Times
30 Creative Alternatives to 'Unprecedented' in These Unprecedented Times [Infographic]
Marketing and CX During a National Emergency: Getting Real About Customer-Centricity
Our CX efforts are not entirely selfless: We provide a positive customer experience because it drives repeat purchases and long-term loyalty. But what happens when there is a once-in-a-century pandemic? CX can't be about maximizing lifetime value. Yes, it's time to get real about customer-centricity.
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Marketers' Muddy Waters
It's been nearly 40 days and 40 nights since the US got serious about acknowledging and responding to COVID-19. Like everyone else, marketers have been overwhelmed. The floodwaters surrounding us may be muddy now... but, as the currents calm, the sediment will settle. Then what?
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How to Write Your Face Off: Writing for Non-Writers
MarketingProfs webinar
These past weeks have drained us emotionally, personally, professionally. Let's do something about it: Join Ann Handley for her first Tiny House Talk, a new kind of webinar, providing a little inspiration AND instruction. Just what we can use now—and later, when we finally get out of the house. Register today (it's totally free).
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Three Effective Ways to Stay Agile and Relevant in Trying Times
The instability created by the pandemic makes it tricky to simultaneously navigate brands' most pressing and longer-term needs. But one thing is clear: It's more important than ever for Marketing to stay agile, relevant, and ready to adapt—if necessary again and again. Here are a few emerging best-practices.
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30 Creative Alternatives to 'Unprecedented' in These Unprecedented Times [Infographic]
You've probably received emails recently from every brand you've ever interacted with over the past 20 years, telling you about what they're doing for their community and customers in these "unprecedented" times. Here are 30 creative alternatives to "unprecedented" you might use in your communications.
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So glad you could join us today!

—Vahe Habeshian, Director of Publications

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