Your Source for What Matters in Marketing • From the Team at MarketingProfs |
Hi, friend.
This is the first of likely several special issues of MarketingProfs Today that will offer up timely advice on Marketing in a Covid World.
This pop-up Monday edition is just one way we're doubling-down to serve you—and all of our community. We've also planned these free events for the MarketingProfs community:
* How to Write Your Face Off: Writing for Non-Writers: with our own Ann Handley. This free program is this Friday, April 24. See more information and register here.
* Relax, Release, Realign: The Art of Mindful Living: with MarketingProfs founder and Mindful USC director Allen Weiss. If you missed the April 17 program, you can still access it on-demand.
These are indeed stressful times. (We're not saying "unprecedented"; more on that below!) And MarketingProfs is here to help you navigate them how and when we can.
Stay well. Stay safe. We appreciate you.
—Team MarketingProfs
P.S. If there's a program you'd like to see us offer, we'd love to hear it. Shelley in Customer Service is all ears.
P.P.S. We've ungated all of our Covid-related content, so feel free to share far and wide.
In This Special Issue:
Marketers' Muddy Waters |
It's been nearly 40 days and 40 nights since the US got serious about acknowledging and responding to COVID-19. Like everyone else, marketers have been overwhelmed. The floodwaters surrounding us may be muddy now... but, as the currents calm, the sediment will settle. Then what? |
So glad you could join us today!
—Vahe Habeshian, Director of Publications
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