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In This Issue
+ How-To: Content—Fuel for the Marketing Automation Engine
+ PRO: How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers
+ Survey Says: Fortune 500 CEOs Shun Social Media
+ Quick Take: How to Transform Marketing Into a Center of Excellence
+ My View: Three Tips for Managing Your Online Reputation
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Advertisement  Today's B2B marketing is brave, bold, and boundless. Join us in Boston for B2B Forum 2012 and learn how to make B2B anything but boring. Lead gen, social, content, mobile, and more, we've got all the awesome advice you need. Oct. 4 – 5 (workshops Oct. 3). Register now to save $300 (or more).
How-To Content: Fuel for the Marketing Automation Engine
By Sid Smith
Without content—reports, webinars, and follow-up emails—your expensive marketing automation software will be a big flop. Learn why content is the fuel that makes any marketing automation system run smoothly. Read More
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PRO PRO Seminar: Laura Ries on How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers
In this PRO seminar, rock star brand strategist and best-selling author Laura Ries will teach you about the 10 types of visual hammers, why you need a visual cue, and how to find the perfect one for your brand. Read More
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Advertisement  Need to beef up your Pay-Per-Click game? Learn to make every dollar and every keyword count at MarketingProfs University Search Marketing School: PPC. Broadcasting live August 9-27, these 9 classes are online and available whenever you are. Save $200 when you use code SEARCHPPC.
Survey Says
Fortune 500 CEOs Shun Social Media
Few CEOs at Fortune 500 companies are participating in social media channels: 70% have no social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Google+, according to a new study. Read More
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Quick Take
How to Transform Marketing Into a Center of Excellence [Infographic]
Nearly everyone understands that the marketing function is vital to an organization's success. However, not all folks understand the various components that must work in unison to achieve the desired organizational results. Read More
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My View Avoid Social Media Slip-Ups: Three Tips for Managing Your Online Reputation
Clare Evans
We've seen how quickly a company’s failure can go viral. You can spend years building a solid brand reputation, but one rogue tweet can ruin everything. So how can you maintain your brand's good name? Read More
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ReTweet This
@jeffbullas How Social Media Can Help Organic SEO: 2 Case Studies https:////bit.ly/9VvhM2
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Forum Today's Question
By denise.wagner 7/13/2012 at 11:24 AM
Can you recommend an affordable demographic data provider? Go To Question
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Jul 12-19
MarketingProfs University LIVE—B2B Lead Roundup 
Jul 17
FREE Seminar—Slide Makeovers: How to Design Slides for Webinar Presentations
Jul 19
PRO Seminar—How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers
Jul 24
FREE Seminar—Tips for Generating Demand with Social Media
Jul 26
PRO Seminar—Ten Best Practices for Performing Competitive Teardowns
Aug 9-27
MarketingProfs University LIVE—Search Marketing School: PPC save $200 with code SEARCHPPC
Sep 14
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing sign up for free!
Oct 4-5
B2B Forum 2012—Boston save $300 or more with the Early Bird rate