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By Sameer Suryakant Kulkarni |
Writing is a vital component of various marketing-related tasks. Effective writing can improve sales pitches, enhance brand value, and perfect ad campaigns. Spruce up your marketing with these five tips.
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Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. Although these social media tools are effective on their own, they work best when part of other marketing programs. See how 10 companies have maximized results by integrating social media into traditional marketing efforts.
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Top 50 Websites by Ad Reach and Visits in December |
Yahoo Sites comprised the top-ranked Web property in December 2010, attracting 181.2 million unique visitors; Google Sites followed with 179.3 million and Microsoft Sites with 177.0 million. Amazon, meanwhile, recorded its highest month of traffic ever.
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When Wrong Grammar Is Right
If you say "this is she" rather than "this is her," your high school English teacher would give you a gold star. But your customers? Not so much. Most people often don't use grammatical rules in conversation, so you run the risk of sounding stilted—or even wrong—if you always stick to them.
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By Mario Sundar
As marketers, many of you have probably heard of Quora. If not, you're going to hear more about this little Q&A site in the months to come. Should Quora matter to you professionally?
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