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By Jeff Greenhouse |
Product, price, place, promotion—the four Ps of marketing. These days, there's a frenetic obsession with promotion, confusion about place, and battles over price. Amid the chaos, that first P is often overlooked.
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Perhaps it's time for big business to take a page from the little guys—such as Eugene, Oregon-based Coconut Bliss. Discover how its grassroots, customer-focused efforts have enabled the company to establish a nationwide presence in just a few short years.
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How Uncoordinated Emails Can Kill Off B2B Prospects
B2B marketers use email for various reasons—sometimes independently, with no interdepartmental communication. But if departments don't coordinate their email campaigns, they could be exposing prospects to a frequency nightmare—and even, lose subscribers.
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By Ann Handley |
What can marketers possibly learn from lawyers about producing compelling content? Aren't lawyers notoriously terrible writers? Aren't they known for using Latin (prevaricate) when English (lie) will do? Not always.
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