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In This Issue
+ How-To: The Two Paths to Trust in Marketing Professional Services
+ Slide Show: Write Headlines Both for People and for SEO
+ PRO: Guy Kawasaki on How to Enchant and Engage Your Customers
+ Survey Says: Social Marketing: Key Trends and Tools for B2Bs and B2Cs
+ Quick Take: Three Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Tactics to Boost Email ROI
+ My View: Hey, You [Bleeping] [Bleeps]: Cussing From the Podium
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How-To The Two Paths to Trust in Marketing Professional Services
By Lee W. Frederiksen PhD, Sean T. McVey, Sylvia Montgomery CPSM,
and Aaron E. Taylor

The most fundamental tenet of professional services marketing is trust. You can't expect potential clients to retain you if they don't trust you. Time was, only one path led to such trust; now, you can take another path. Read More
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Slideshow Have Your Headline Cake and Eat It, Too: Headlines for People and for SEO [Slide Show]
By Christian Gulliksen
Journalism has a proud tradition of clever headlines—puns and other devices that grab readers' attention. But the harsh realities of SEO have dampened online wordplay wit. Yet, that doesn't have to be the case. Read More
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PRO Guy Kawasaki on How to Enchant and Engage Your Customers
In this Take 10 Author Series webcast, Guy talks about the importance of fast, flat, and frequent communication and how to add value to your relationships via social media. He even gets into the "architecture" of a winning smile! Read More
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Advertisement  Get the inside scoop on what works (and what doesn't) in today's marketing campaigns. Learn to make your campaigns stand out and inspire action in MarketingProfs University: Campaign Planning & Management. Save $200 when you use code WOWFACTOR.
Survey Says
Social Marketing: Key Trends and Tools for B2Bs and B2Cs
More than three-quarters (76%) of marketers say their brands are conducting social media marketing, and an additional 16% plan to begin doing so by the end of 2012, making for a potential social marketing contingent of 92%, according to Chief Marketer's 2012 Social Marketing Trends Survey. Read More
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Quick Take
Three Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Tactics to Boost Email Marketing ROI
Everybody knows: Driving increased sales from your current customers is easier than acquiring new customers. Yet, in a recent survey, 63% of retailers said they don't use cross-sell and up-sell programs. If you're among that underperforming majority, here's how you can get started to rectify the situation. Read More
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My View Hey, You [Bleeping] [Bleeps]: Cussing From the Podium
By Matthew Grant
Recently, I heard several speakers cuss from the podium in a business environment. Though I'm no Boy Scout, I still found myself slightly shocked by the cussing. Am I just being a fuddy-duddy? Read More
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Oct 23
FREE Seminar—The Business of Awesome: How to Make Your Business Boom
Oct 23
FREE Seminar—Getting Started with Account-Based Marketing
Oct 25
PRO Seminar—Breaking the "Rules" of Email Marketing with DJ Waldow & Jason Falls
Oct 30
FREE Seminar—Next Generation B2B Content Creation and Curation: An Executive Roundtable
Nov 1
MarketingProfs University—Campaign Planning and Management save $200 with code WOWFACTOR
Nov 8
PRO Seminar—How to Optimize and Measure Trade Show ROI
Nov 9
Virtual Conference—Mobile Marketing: Are you up to speed? sign up for free!