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By Larry Berg |
It's amazing how quickly a brand can find itself in a crisis, struggling to salvage its reputation. But your brand doesn't have to suffer. Learn six steps to take—before and after a crisis—that'll help rebuild customer confidence.
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By Jeff Revoy |
The holiday season is the busiest time of year for many businesses. Break through all of the noise with these six essential tips that'll kick your email and social media marketing into high gear.
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Get the most out of your Facebook presence with our new, 55-page guide to Facebook marketing. You'll discover the top tools, tactics, and strategies to consistently improve your efforts. Plus, it includes plenty of B2B and B2C examples, so you get the information you need to succeed.
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Most Marketers Can't Measure ROI of SEO, Social Media |
More than four in five marketing executives (82%) say they expect campaigns to be measured, yet few are able to effectively evaluate the ROI of key channels such as public relations (18%), search engine optimization (24%), and social media (26%).
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Three Twitter Faux Pas to Avoid
Having a presence on Twitter can help you gain exposure for your business and interact with customers. But making these three rookie mistakes could irk your profile visitors—and cost you followers.
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By Matt Grant
In this week's Marketing Smart's podcast, writer and social media manager Shannon Paul discusses the elements of a social strategy, the keys to effective content marketing, and the art of "being human."
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