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By Olga Taylor and Barbara Bix Product value isn't defined by quality or price; it relies on marketing and customer insight. Without them, a $1,000-a-minute violinist is a $32-a-day subway performer. Learn to find your $1,000-a-minute market.
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Discover how 13 companies have leveraged the influence of outspoken opinion-makers and ordinary online reviewers to boost brand awareness, foster third-party credibility, generate buzz, and increase sales.
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Google Android Overtakes RIM, Apple |
Google Android surged past RIM BlackBerry to become the most popular smartphone platform in the US, accounting for 31.2% of market share as of January 2011, up 7.7% from the previous three-month period.
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When Z Comes Before A
Segmenting customers by the first letter of their last name might be the key to a quick sale. People whose surnames begin with letters R through Z are more likely to respond speedily to urgent calls to action. Is there a "last name effect"?
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By Alan Belniak Being an impassioned marketer is a good thing. But unless you're buying your own product, you should refrain from injecting personal preference into the marketing process. Let your market and customers guide the decisions.
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