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By Paolina Milana |
Just as in dating, being too pushy or too neglectful when marketing could get you dumped. Learn how to effectively woo prospects into becoming long-term committed customers who stick with you through thick and thin.
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Join us this Thursday, and master the skills needed to influence prospects through better sales conversations. Learn how to uncover your clients' needs and increase their desire to buy from you (and for full price). You'll walk away one step closer to becoming a successful and influential seller.
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Social Networking via Mobile Devices Surging |
Mobile social networking is on the rise: As of August 2011, the number of people that accessed Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter via mobile devices grew 50%, 69%, and 75%, respectively, over the same period a year earlier.
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Five Ways to Make Your Website Tablet-Friendly
Tablets are nearly everywhere these days. You see them on subways, in planes, and in waiting rooms. Their growing popularity prompts the question: Is your website tablet-friendly? Here are five tips to make sure your website runs smoothly on a tablet device.
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By Verónica Maria Jarski |
Halloween is fast approaching. Ghouls, goblins, and monsters will be on the prowl. But don't let them kill your blog posts. Here are five ruthless monsters that plague your posts—and tips on defeating them.
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