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In This Issue
+ How-To: How Personas Can Lead Your Messaging Astray
+ Slide Show: Mistakes That Could Damage Your Online Reputation
+ PRO: How to Become a Go-To Resource for Customers
+ Survey Says: Social Media Ad Spend to Reach $9.8B by 2016
+ Quick Take: Why You Might Need a Brand Journalist to Tell Your Story
+ My View: Write the Way Your Prospects Talk
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How-To How Personas Can Lead Your Messaging Astray (and Four Tips for Keeping It on Track)
By Tim Riesterer
Do you think a prospect responds better to your marketing message because you've based it on a customer persona? Unfortunately, that is not the case. To craft effective messaging, you need to address four essential questions. Read More
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Slideshow Four Mistakes That Could Damage Your Online Reputation [Slide Show]
By Christian Gulliksen
To attract customers, you spend hours creating content, blogging, tweeting, and replying to comments. But a few unprofessional missteps could damage your online reputation—and send customers straight to your competitors. Read More
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PRO Take 10: How to Become a Go-To Resource for Customers With Brian Solis
In just 10 minutes, Brian Solis tells you exactly what you need to do to become relevant and a go-to resource for your customers. He'll teach you not only how to engage with connected customers but also how to transform your company to lead customer decisions. Read More
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Advertisement  Real-time content users have seen a 28% lift in revenue using live versus static offers. Learn more and download our latest webinar with Movable Ink.
Survey Says
Social Media Ad Spend to Reach $9.8B by 2016
Social media advertising revenue—now dominated by Facebook and Twitter—is forecast to reach $9.8 billion in 2016, up from an estimated $3.8 billion in 2011, a compound annual growth rate of 21.0%. Read More
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Quick Take
Why You Might Need a Brand Journalist to Tell Your Story
To engage customers and prospects, you'll need to tell interesting true stories that help your audience understand your product, service, or business. And to help your company unearth real-life stories from within your organization, you should consider hiring a brand journalist. Read More
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My View Write the Way Your Prospects Talk
By Drew McLellan
Unfortunately, most marketing copy is dreadful. Capturing everything you want a prospect to know and sharing it in a compelling way is intimidating. But if you can avoid these four marketing copy blunders, you'll be on the right track. Read More
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@StephenMonaco What are we doing on our #mobile phones while watching TV? https:////goo.gl/VOIhf
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Forum Today's Question
By amanda 5/15/2012 at 4:22 PM
I started a website two years ago, and I would like to monetize on the site's success now. How should I sell my first online ad space? Go To Question
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