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By David Chapman |
If children learn from fairy tale characters and their actions, online marketers can learn to evaluate and improve their online campaigns—and end up with a much healthier ROI—from fairy tale antics, too.
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Successful email campaigns don't just happen by accident—they require a plan. Create one easily with SmartTools: Email Campaign Planner—the quick-and-easy online service with a step-by-step blueprint for creating an email marketing plan.
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Six Social Media Archetypes and How to Reach Them
Do you know what makes people connect and share in our digital worlds? Your marketing efforts should consider the different personality types present on social networks. Here are some archetypes you might recognize—and what motivates them.
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By Ann Handley |
Language is perpetually in a state of flux, E.B White wrote in the seminal The Elements of Style. In the newly revised 2011 print edition of its venerable guidebook, the AP included brand new social media terms (unfollow, retweet, among others). Fittingly, perhaps, they announced the additions via Twitter.
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