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By Ryan Deutsch |
Engaged subscribers often make up only 30-40% of an email marketer's database, meaning at least 60% of recipients ignore communications. Here's how to keep your messages out of the trash bin—and stimulate engagement.
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In just 10 minutes, Michael Miller, author of The Ultimate Web Marketing Guide, shares the steps to creating a company blog that generates traffic and engages customers. Learn what types of content to include, as well as ideas for enlisting content contributors.
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Smartphones Preferred Over Computers for Web Access |
More than one-half of smartphone owners (55.9%) say they prefer using a smartphone to a computer when accessing the Internet. Some 52.9% of smartphone owners say they use all of the functions of their smartphone, so much so that "it's their life."
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How to Enchant Your Customers and Employees
Guy Kawasaki, author of Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions, says marketers shouldn't underestimate the power of enchanting customers and employees. Here's how you can wield the influence of these two groups.
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By Jonathan Lewis Political correctness in advertising is like a blow horn at the orchestra: stifling, out of place, and a creativity killer. For all of our soap boxing about creativity excellence, I'm disheartened to see a divide between our talk and our walk.
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