
Topic: E-Marketing

Any Advice On Intl. Urls & File System Approach?

Posted by Craig.Dowley on 500 Points
Does anyone have experience converting their international sites from a top-level domain (.de, .fr, etc.) to a country/language file system approach?

Details: We are looking to move from a multiple international domain strategy ( to a single domain with a country/language filesystem [inactive link removed]. We have discussed a number of ideas about how to implement this (in content and apps) and have not found any truly appealing solutions. We are hoping to find a technical contact (a developer or admin) in a company that is using a country/language structure to talk about how they implemented this.

A little back ground on our setup:
We use Apache/Ruby on Rails and Java in our current environment.
We have a single tree currently and use a process very similar to Apache’s content negotiation for delivering the right language within a TLD

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted on Accepted

    I have had a look at the .com site and some of the national sites and I am a little unsure why you are progressing down this route. It is always easier to administer one site but this reduces the effectiveness of the site in different countries.

    The Optimisation of the national sites in each country with their own national domain and hosting in that country is the better option for good search rank.

    I am sure that you have solid reasons for proceeding in the direction you are.

    Using the URL path /file name should be a descriptor in the national language of the country you are operating in.

    There is so much more to optimising the site that I have witnessed in the few that I have looked at it would take a long time to go through it here. Get in touch with an international SEO specialist to go through the sites and you plans. you may be presented with an option that will serve your business goals more readily.

    Kind regards

    Nigel T Packer

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You can have it both ways, if you want. You could do and also, with either the domain or subdomain pointing to the other. That'll keep things consistent (and also won't mess up your existing backlinks).

    Some articles:

    You might also connect with W3C ( to learn what other developers are doing (and why).
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Craig

    For several years we’ve been advised that using multi top level domains was important for search recognition in the respective countries – advice which we blindly passed on to clients. When a client asked why? I thought it good to get the up-to-date story. About a week later (I’ll not even summarise here!!) I was au-fait with the latest ins and outs of a dozen search engine methodologies and their respective information retrieval and indexing strategies. My head hurt!

    So the latest client has now gone from one .com/fr/de/it/ domain to seven domains - the opposite of you! As a reference to Jay’s “have it both ways” suggestion, we are maintaining the .com language pages for the sake of the reasons he mentioned and to preserve current indexing. We will suggest that they are maintained as live pages.

    Rather than seeing the admin as an issue, the top-end URL registration has forced the client to think like a German or an Italian and realise that when his customer wakes up after lunch and wants to find a hang-over cure, he does not suddenly start searching in English or even for English Brands. Same goes for AdWords!

    By the way – in your field, AdWords are unusually little appreciated, especially by academics and other researchers. They will wade through 5 pages of organic results before trying one click on an advert!

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker

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