
Topic: E-Marketing

What Is Unique Selling Proposition

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
What is Unique Selling Proposition and Unique Value Proposition
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  • Posted on Member
    Unique Selling Proposition is a theme developed to inject a personality into a brand. It could be the main benefit from the brand. It is a plan to create perception in the mind of consumer. A shampoo may have USP of cleaning the hair, or clearing the dandruff.
  • Posted on Accepted
    KMKAN -

    Another major aspect of a USP (unique selling proposition) is that it is something distinct that gives you a competitive advantage. You may sell a soft drink which has the benefit of great taste, but if you competitors offer this as well, it's not so unique.

  • Posted on Member
    None of those are really USPs. Your USP must be unique or it isn't a USP. Cleaning hair and clearing dandruff are common features of shampoo so don't qualify. If it was a shampoo that made straight hair curly - now that would be a USP. A soft drink with a great taste doesn't qualify either. A soft drink that contained all your daily vitamins or minerals -- now that would be a USP.

    Peter Hobday

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