
Topic: E-Marketing

Blogs, Rss And Wiki For Marketers

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
In past we have seen tremendous hype of blogs being a new and effective tool for the marketers. Apart from getting feedback and having discussion with diverse people, are there any benefits for marketers? Also can you also through some light on RSS and Wikis as a marketing tool.

Hope many of the bloggers on this community will respond to this query of mine!!
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  • Posted on Accepted

    These days blogs are definately over hyped ... but its justified. Go thr the following points:

    1. Buzz Marketing: Recently there was camaign of Coca Cola Blak and it has already created buzz in market and people have started discussing about it. Thats the power of blog.

    2. SEO: relevant blogs get higher ranks on Google and other search engine. So blogs create high visibility in SE.

    3. Conference & Corporate Blogging as a Marketing Tool: Blogs were born from the need to easily publish personal voices online. Blogs, by the nature of the medium, encourage casual banter and informal language. Unlike Web sites, which are crafted and branded and carefully planned out to be "on message," the daily journal format of a blog produces more vulnerability from its authors. In marketing terms, a blog can bring a human personality to a faceless company, which can create a connection between the corporation and the client. This can lead to deeper loyalty and richer feedback.

    Steps To Your Business Blog

    1. Start using RSS for news, jobs or press releases
    2. Thoroughly study what a blog is: You have to know blogs to be able to decide on whether or not to start one.
    3. Be specific with purpose: Absolutely no one will be happy if you start a blog because you can.
    4. Ask yourself, do you really need a blog? Why on would you want a blog?
    5. Ask yourself, do we have the resources?
    6. Co-ordinate with other communication channels
    7. Who's the blogger? People working there do. You of course have to find people that wants to, that wishes nothing else but to, blog.
    8. Make a decision on all aspects, features of blogs
    9. Choose which tool to use
    10. Make sure the blogger(s) know blogging: Blogging is a skill. Not a very unique one, but a skill
    11. Launch quietly
    12. Start doing subtle PR: Don't issue a press release stating you have a blog. You wouldn't be the first to do it, but it never seems appropriate. There are other means.
    14. Success or failure? Decide on the future of your blog: It doesn't take more than two or three months, from my experience, to find out if a blog is good enough to deliver results.

    Have you been linked to by other blogs? Is anyone commenting?

    RSS: Its permission based Email Marketing. These days all newspapers, other information have started using RSS on their websites.

    RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" -- it's a format for distributing and gathering content from sources across the Web, including newspapers, magazines, and blogs.

    A web feed is an XML-based document which contains a sequence of content items, usually a short informational story or post, possibly with a link to a more extensive story on a website. Web logs and news website are common sources for web feeds.

    A program known as a feed reader or aggregator can check RSS-enabled webpages on behalf of a user and display any updated articles that it finds. It is now common to find RSS feeds on major web sites, as well as many smaller ones.

    RSS As a Marketing tool: In one of the reports by Forrester, it outlines why marketers should experiment with RSS, especially marketers with customers who fit the profile of early RSS adopters. Even if it's something as simple as putting press releases in an RSS feed, marketers will benefit from early exposure to distributing information via RSS — and receive valuable feedback from key constituents on what types of content they would like to have.


    1. Determine What Content To Distribute Via RSS
    2. Build The Feeds
    3. Market The Feeds — And Use Feeds To Help Expand Your Markets
    4. Measure The Feeds — And Their Impact

    Also visit:,7211,35005,00.html

    I hope this will help.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone for their response.

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