
Topic: Student Questions

Ads&disads Of Formalised Strategic Marketing Plan

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hello, everyone , I m new here. I got an essay about "advantages and disadvantages of formalised strategic planning". Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Thanks !!!
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Wenjin, I agree with Randall. I've never known any disadvantages. You certainly wouldn't consider going through a very detailed thought process to assess the market, your competitors, and your company's position, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities and putting a detailed plan together to realize your full potential a disadvantage - unless you're lazy and don't want to put the effort in. That could make it a disadvantage. If you believe that you won't stick to a plan anyway then the time it takes would be a disadvantage. And in these two cases, a strat plan would be a waste because you won't be in business very long anyway. So why not go out of business sitting on your easy chair.

    But, as Randall also said, why don't you put your thoughts down and we can discuss them. The professor wouldn't have asked this question if you didn't cover it in class or in books. What did you go over in class?

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hello Wenjin,

    The advantages of a plan have been covered but the disadvantages of a plan could exist if the users do not react to outside variables and adjust the formalized plan as a group when needed. I have seen businesses work their formalized business plan for months, without changes to it, even though the competitors adjusted and changed their strategy.

    The implementation period of a formalized plan is usually over a long period of time and a plan will become ineffective if the users are more concerned with working the plan as oppose to reacting to changes based in the market.

    In summary, a formalized business plan can not be so formalized that changes can not be made if appropriate. It is hard to manage all the important variables in a business plan, but it through the proper management and execution a business will achieve the success they desire.

    Best of luck with your assignment.

  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Yet more agreement with Randall. We need your inputs if you want some constructive suggestions.

    Here’s some destructive input:

    The disadvantages of writing a formalised marketing plan, if you are an employee, are that you spend weeks or months on it and then no one reads it.

    The advantages of this scenario if you are a consultant when no one reads it, are that you still get paid and no one disagrees with your results.

    More of your thoughts please!

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted on Member
    hey guys, ive been messing about this year and suddenly ive just decided to buckle down and make this year a successful one!!

    i really need help with this please can anyone tell me what are the advantages and disadvantages of the types of Market Research? it would be much appreciated!

    Niamh x

  • Posted by wnelson on Member

    Since this question is closed out and is a totally different topic from your question, I would recommend you start a new question so everyone can participate in your answer. The quality will be greatly improved if you get a bunch of answers.

    Follow this link:


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