
Topic: Student Questions

Does Advertising Affect Consumer Behavior

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
companies spend a lot of money advertising, consumers on the other hand purchase according to need, income etc.
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  • Posted on Author
    thanx for u response wmma and it aint home wk buddy.
    fact:i dont buy any of those commodities because of ads none.thats the puzzle.answer in reference to less developed markets. africa for example.
  • Posted on Member
    does advertising affect consumer behaviour?

    It depends on what type of product you are advertising and to whom. Some people are reluctant to be persuaded by adverts and some just dont care. I guess you should think about those categories of early and late adopters, leggards and etc. They all respond to adds differently.

    You said it yourself, you dont buy products because of those adds, so I guess advertising doesnt affect you. I, on the other hand really do respond to adds if I want to buy a product that I dont even know is in the market. If I see an add, Ill look for more information and perhaps buy the product at the end, hence, I was affected by the add.

    I would agree with what was said above with regards to emotions. If an add is capable of striking a consumer right at the heart of his emotions, its got to be effective. This is why manufacturers are playing on emotions in all of their promotional activities. Emotions are hard influencers and we all feel them so we are a weak target for advertising people.

    Do they affect consumers? My answer would be, yes. Id debate about how and why. My point would focus on persuasive effect of advertising more then anything else, but thats a whole other debate which I wouldnt want to go into right now :)

    I hope this much helps,
    Good luck

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