
Topic: Student Questions

Membership Card Programmes

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I'm actually working on a school project and my group's recommendation in the marcom plan is membership card programme but we're wondering what promotional tool is membership card programme actually under?


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  • Posted on Author
    or is it not part of any tools? Simply a suggestion/recommendations?

    I'm sorry.. we're confused..
  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted
    Hi Arshi,

    To be honest I was confused before Thanks for let me know that Marcom means Marketing Communications. First of all I don’t know the type of membership card you are interested to do business. Any way, as you suggested for the free discussion I will put few points for your consideration.

    “Membership Marketing Program” is a great tool to attract new members and I will say it’s a branch of promotion method. When you go to super market and super market offers you discount card or the membership card.

    Why does people are keen in membership? Because they want to get more benefits plus service so as the sponsoring company? For example: in UK having student membership will give you following benefits:

    • Attraction & Theme Park Discounts
    • Group Dental Discount Plan
    • Travel discount
    • NHS: Health Services Savings – individual health insurance, prescription drug discounts, vision and auditory care
    • Movie Ticket & Rental Discounts
    • National Restaurant & Mail Order Discounts
    • Travel Services – discounts and rebates on air travel, cruises, hotels, car rentals, condo vacations and more
    • Local Restaurant & Merchant Discount Directory

    Word of mouth is the best way to do membership marketing. Not bad if you targeting your customer via sending letters, radio advertise news paper, magazines and e-commerce.

    Arshi, Marcom is not only about PR and advertising, but about all activities which support and generate revenue and profit. These can be many different activities that are all related to each other.

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you M Bhor :)

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