
Topic: Student Questions

High And Low Involvement Products/services

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi...could anyone give exmaples of high and low involvement products or services with regards to an airline company, like Singapore Airlines? Whether it is the ticket price of a first class seat or economy class seat or something like that? I am seriously confused on this topic of consumer buyer behaviour and i'm trying to sort this out as i have a presentation on this particular topic soon.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    hi there
    from my own understanding as well as the other one on top of me has put it high involvement depends on who you are but on the topic given
    my feelings ar like this
    on a bussiness class ticket and first it depends on the type of traveller if he is a frequent flyer ie a top executive then there wont be high involvemnt it will be a neccesity for him to travel in bussiness class and price will consider little or not at all in his deciion thi is due to thimngs like postion in society,income levels, whos paing the ticket
    while a non frequent or holiday traveller much attention will be given to price as he is traveliing on budget and he want spend much to avoid jeopadising his budget and he will go for what he sees as abargain and in him everything will be a high involvemnet as he or she will need a vlue for money but assuming the airline is
    offering special bussiness class ticket reduced for sometime say one week or any day then there want be high involvemnt it will be like an impulse buying since its a bargain
    but for the same person if he is travelling lets say for medical reason then there should be high involvemnet like in cost and benefits of travlling in bussiness class or economy depending on condition
    so the consumer buyer behavior will be dependent on mainly circumstances, postion in soceity, phsycological factors ,income levels and disposable income
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted

    I’m confused. Is your question referring to the construct of the high involvement/low involvement construct as originally laid out by Judith Lynne Zaichkowsky in her paper “Measuring The Involvement Construct” The Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Dec., 1985), pp. 341-352

    If so, then that paper should answer all your questions – if you can get beyond the rather dry language!!

    It’s quite popular in academic marketing – according to Reference Manager and other citation and reference tools; it’s been used in over 500 subsequent papers.

    If you are not referring to that construct, then you can take the advice above and reverse it, as there is no formal definition about from whom the High and Low Involvement should flow.

    High involvement would then be 1st Class on any leading airline
    Low Involvement would be the budget carriers such as Ryanair, EasyJet and any other aeroplane where you have to peddle the damned thing yourself whilst paying for drinks!!

    So distinguished because the low and high is awarded as to the involvement the airline has to make. If you look at it form the stance of consumer involvement, you will have to reverse the categories, so you really need to come back with the definition we need to answer this. So far you have got 2 diametrically opposed but equally correct views and a third one based on academic research!

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions

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