
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing Objectives 2 Solve The First Aid Problem

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Drawing Up some marketing research to solve the problem that youths( 16-24) in the United Kingdom are not confident in first aid skills. What should my marketing research objectives be? what do I need to find out to create a succesful campaign that solves the problem.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Your objectives for research would be consistent with what information you don't know, or what you've assumed and need to verify/validate. They may involve market size, consumer needs, pricing, competitors and competitor share, competitor spending on marketing, consumer reaction to ads and/or campaigns, and many other things.

    what do I need to find out to create a successful campaign that solves the problem - Your question is best answered by you: How do you create a successful campaign? What do you know now and what don't you know? Go back to your course notes and text and review what a campaign involves. Go to the library and research the topic of successful campaign is. Since this is a "public service" type topic, look at other public service topics.

    This should help you frame your work. I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    thank you yes that does help...
    this are some research objectives i've thought of so far

    How many 16-24 year olds have first aid skills?

    Why are 16-24 year olds lacking confidence in first aid?

    What are youths perception of first aid:Do the 16-24 year olds have an interest in first aid?Do 16-24 year olds recognise the risk associated with lack of first aid knowledge?

    How is first aid projected in the media?

    How is first aid being marketed to youths? How are courses exposed to this age group?

    Where do/can 16-24 years olds receive training for first aid?Understand the training options in first aid.

    Why have the target group not done First Aid training?
    In what instances do people do first aid training ?

    What level of knowledge and skill is required by the target audience?

    How far will the target market go to learn the skills?

    What motivates this age group to seek training?

  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Absolutely. This looks like a good list of objectives. Good work.


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