
Topic: Strategy

Engineering Software Training Institute

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

Last week I had posted a question and good very good suggestions on identifying a name for my plans to software training business. I now invite good thoughts and strategies on making the training a grand success. I am planning to setup a authorized application training house where I train engineering students and practising managers on Computer Aided Machining and Finite Element Modeling & Analysis. The setup would have five well configured machines (PCs), a website and good faculty.

Please suggest me few unique marketing and sales strategies where I attract attention of genuine students for the training classes. How do I differentiate from the lots of such training centres/schools.

Thanks in advance.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The best way to attract the attention of "genuine students" is to solve a problem that is of critical importance to them. After all, that's what marketing is all about -- providing an important benefit for your target market.

    Your first task is to identify the prime candidates for your training business. Where are they, and what are they doing, today? What are their biggest concerns and problems? What have they done to address those concerns? How do they go about reviewing their options and making decisions? Who or what influences their thinking?

    Once you have real answers to these questions, you should be able to craft a positioning statement that expresses your unique value proposition in a compelling way. That's the cornerstone of your marketing plan.

    Marketing is not about how to get people to buy what YOU have. It's about solving an important problem THEY have in a way that benefits both of you.

    Good luck.

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