
Topic: Website Critique

Which One Do You Like Best And Why

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I would really appreciate if you could tell me as much as possible which one you'd like to hire and why. Also what these website tell you about the compnay culture and identity and how you relate to it
Aslo you age range and profession thanks a million
the websites are and [inactive link removed]

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi rdzemeka -

    I think this is a case of needing to get into the mind of your customer. Given that you are going after a high-end market, my gut says that the waiter will be better received. However, you really need to go to your customers and see what they think:

    1) Stand in front of a high-end chocolate store at a mall or a retail center and show the two logos to consumers going in and coming out of the store. See which gives you a better response. After 40-50 responses, you should get a feel for which one gets a more favorable reaction.

    2) If you have current customers, send them to the two websites and then survey them to get their thoughts. Alternatively, you can advertise the websites concurrently, perhaps in different weeks in the same publication and see what kind of responses you get.

    By the way, the two websites in your question looked identical to me.

    Good luck,
  • Posted on Accepted

    the website

    looks wise appears to be good, but contenet wise it seems to be deviating. you talked about weddings, corporate events and fund raisers in your 'about us' section. but your gallery does not have any photo graphs of it. it might beceome difficult for any one to visualize unless they have already tasted the treat.

    and even the woman cartoon seems to fade out into the ground rather being visible as a figure.
    perhaps you could go for a more royal treatment for the lady in the cartoon which would show class and fun rather make her look like (olive oyl in popeye show)

    data provided is also very minimal.

    in the second one

    the data provided is far better as compared to the woman cartoon one. it approximately gives me an idea about how to proceed and fix up my budget.
    you could have included the champagne part even in this site also ( this was news to me. need to try that out).

    but i found the problem was the over all dark background of the website. perhaps your idea about creating a chocolate kind of environment was in the right spirit, but it was kind of stressing to go through the stuff in such a dull environment. perhaps the kind of background you used for the woman cartoon website would be more appropriate.

    the references you provided about some customers who were happy about your service is good. as a potential customer it would actually leverage that going for a fountain choclate might be as well worth the effort. the movie link is a good idea, perhaps some other clips emphasizing the different scenarios ( fund raisers, marriages, corporate events) would be fruitful, as it would give the potential customers a chanceto associate with the product and go accordingly.

    but you seem to be using too mush space in every page for the waiter logo. ( it looks different, but i dont know). i think it would be better if it is placed at the left side covering the whole webpage something as a column.

    in all i would definetly prefer to go the second webiste to contact or given an order (the one with the waiter)
    because of the content it provides. except for the background colour.

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