
Topic: Strategy

Manuals On Cd

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Does anyone have experience doing interactive manuals (manuals in motion)? What are the results? Do customers like them?

If I selling an in-car speakerphone product, would it make sense to do an audio manual that you can play from your CD player while you're in the car?

Here's an example:

Click on any "view demo".
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I have used interactive manuals on several occasions. Primariliy in the form of presentations for product proposals etc.

    I would say it is a fantastic idea to have an audio version to play in the car. However, is it necessary for the person to be in the car to set up the unit? If so, I say "yes, it makes perfect sense".

    If not, I would consider an audio/visual manual like the demos you linked to. I believe there may be a way to have both! I have never tried but if your include in the vieo portion that "Track 12" plays an audio instruction manual fromyour car stereo....could be a big hit!

    Now I'm going to be playing with mypresentation programs all night! Thanks a lot!!! LOL!!

    Seriously, good luck and a great idea!

    Let me know if I can help!

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Sorry for all the typing errors!

    I was thinking faster than I can type!

    I hope you were able to understand what I said!
  • Posted on Member
    A combination audio and interactive CD is a great idea for this application. The real value is that it is practical. I can easily imagine myself listening to a short explanation of the features of a speaker phone on my way to work. Keep in mind though, that it should not be something that causes people to take their eyes off the road while driving. ;-)

    The other part of your question was interactivity. You can deliver interactive presentations through the web or through a CD, so think about what might work best. The value of interactivity is that fact that people can... well... interact with it.

    A lot of people confuse the value of interactive with the "wow" factor of having something that is visually stimulating.

    Interactivity allows your user to select the information that they want and filter out the stuff that doesn't matter to them. This kind of activity is a heck of a lot easier with a well designed interactive manual than it is with a printed one. (Emphasis on "well designed").

    For my final comment, I will go back to my standard advice for almost every marketing initiative: the best way to know for sure is to ask your customers. Find out what they like and don't like about printed manuals, and if an interactive one will fill a real need... go for it!

    Good Luck,


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