
Topic: Strategy

I'm Looking For Ideas To Make Timeshare Owners Use The System More

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Timeshare owners for the last 6 years : acitivate members who have take only one holiday or none. what offers can ge give them or what incentive can we give them to use the timeshare holiday more frequently.
Aslo what strategy can be used to make sure these members keep renewing their membership?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I would recommend a survey to find out "from the horse's mouth" as to why they visit so infrequently. You could sit around for days thinking of possibilities but you will NEVER know the the facts unless you ask them.

    If you are fortunate enough to have their email addresses ( or if you have current contact info, you can call to get their email address), you can post a survey online in order to get their feedback (My firm can design and host this for you).

    How do you get them to participate? Reward! A trip for 2 to the Bahama's is only a few hundred bucks these days and a drawing may be an good incentive for them to participate in the survey.

    How do you you keep them coming back? Well, as mentioned above, I believe the feedback from your clients as to why they have not returned will answer that question. Is it the condition of the property? The local crime rate? Terrorism? All these issues could be reasons why people aren't coming around. Actually knowing the issues versus speculation from "statistical data" will help you correct the ACTUAL problems within your control.

    As a matter of fact, that is another question you can put in the survey..."What would it take for you to use the property on a more frequent basis?

    A survey could kill two birds with one stone.

    I recommend an online survey. Not because my company can make that happen for you, but for obvious reasons. If someone called your house at night, after a long day at work, interrupting your dinner or favorite show to ask you to talk to them for a while about the issue, what would you say? Would you give honest answers to the person's "face" (so to speak). I would predict a lot of "Please call back later" responses.

    An online survey allows them to take their time, answer your questions whenever they wish, and without the pressure of not wanting to offend by having someone on the line. It's much easier to be honest via non-personal inquiries.

    I hope that helps.

    Good luck!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Make sure your database is up to date with email addresses and then absolutely conduct an online survey as Jett and jaccog mentioned.

    If you provide an incentive, ideally related to your product, i.e. "free round of golf" "free whale watching cruise" you should get an excellent response.

    Are you keeping in constant contact with them i.e. providing incentives, notifying them of specials, event weekends etc.?

    Basically once you know who your customers are and what their wants and need are you need to keep in front of them on a regular basis so you have their mind share when it comes time to plan a trip.

    Just look at the travel section of the Sunday paper to see at all the competition you have.

    With an updated database and permission, email marketing is the best, easiest and least expensive way to do this. Nice images of the facilities with content described above should trigger positive response actions.

    If you need help with this let me know or post to the group, always glad to help.

    How to renewing memberships? Exceed their expectations when they do plan a holiday. Make it painful to even think of not renewing.

    Word your survey to judge their temperature level of happiness.

    Are they thinking of not renewing? Ask and find out. It is alot easier and cheaper to keep customers than find new ones, so providing monetary incentives here I would think is money well spent.

    Good Luck!

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