
Topic: Strategy

Marketing To Property Management Firms

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello everyone!
First post here. Definitely not the last! Love this site!

I just started as a Regional Marketing Manager for a vertically intergrated window coverings firm (manufacturing to sales to installation).
One of my first goals is to increase my company's sales of inexpensive new and replacement window coverings (blinds, shades, verticals, etc) to property managers of large apartment complexes. I live in a very large metropolitan area (Chicago) with literally 1000's of property management companies. I have several ideas on accomplishing my goals. Just one of my many approaches will be direct mail.
Heres my question:
What is the most effective way to get my mailers to stand out among the overwhelming amount of business solicitations that these businesses receive?
Any suggestions and feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted by BobetteKyle on Accepted
    I love Amanda's suggestion. Here are a couple more ideas:

    Use full color postcards or envelopes along with attaching the blind/shade material. Most mail is neutral, white or beige, so bold color will stand out visually. You would catch attention both texturally (feels different) and visually (looks different) this way.

    Repetition, of course. A series of postcards first, with more extensive material following once a property expresses interest.

    "Odd" sizes would also stand out. You could have postcards cut in a geometric shape or a design/size that somehow relates to your business or industry - maybe cut like a set of vertical blinds, with the top rail part wider than the blinds.

    You could also consider printing a special offer right on the envelope, similar to credit card offers - maybe give a free, no obligation set of blinds for the management office or something. If the offer is attractive it would catch attention.

    Hope this gives you some ideas!

    Bobette Kyle

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