
Topic: Strategy

A New Coaching Method

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have a coaching business based in Israel. I facilitate workshops, courses and do one on one sessions.My focus is business owners and executives. I have four years of experience and recently I developed a new coaching method which involves spiritual practice to bring high quality business results. I want to increase the number of customers that are coached by this method asap so I develop a reputation with this method. Specifically want to increase one on one sessions. I do not want to use advertising.
Appreciate your ideas

Michal Dover
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  • Posted by thecynicalmarketer on Accepted
    Eliminating advertising is somewhat constraining, but here are 3 quick suggestions:

    1) Network in the local business community.
    I have conducted lots of business in Israel and the one thing that stands out is that everybody seems to know everybody else, especially if you are in Tel Aviv. One of the beautiful elements of Israeli business is that people are so approachable. Reach out to your targets directly.

    2) Makes connections through your spiritual base.
    There are certain to be many business people in your area of spirituality. Every business needs your services. Make them aware of what you do and you will find opportunity.

    3) Use the web and let people find you.
    If you are not an expert on SEO or web design, I can recommend some Tel Aviv-based freelance pros who are. Send me an email and I will give you their contact info.

    Behatzlacha, JohnnyB.
    if you like the advice, read the blog,
  • Posted on Author
    Dear Phil,
    First of all I appreciate the time you took to write the answer which basically says I should rethink my whole business concept... let me!:-)
    Now seriously I understand your belief that some business owners (like you) will be doubtful that spiritual practices do work. And here I take full responsibility for not being more clear as to what these practices are. That includes meditation, working on your belief system realizing that the reality you have in your business today are seeds that you planted in the past through your relationship with others and realizing that the reality as we perceive it has many different ways of grasping it. I do believe that our mind is our most powerful tool therefore we must strive to get the best out of it. Creating an intention through guided imagination and and working on creating a mind that is more concentrated and focused and more geared towards creating the best service so that others will benefit is my idea of a spiritual and enlightened business.
    As per results I already did two courses in my hometown introducing my method and I doubled the number of participants and there are many others interested in my upcoming two courses in April and May. My customers enjoy a surge of prosperity( in your words RESULTS increased their number of customers and income) since engaging in the course and implementing my method.My reason for this question is that I want to approach business owners in other areas of the country and suggest that we work in person one on one via telephone.
    Regarding spiritual work for finding the right way to approach customers - well let's just say that marketing prof is not the only way I am looking for ideas - I am also working through meditation and asking for guidance.
    Again want to thank you for the challange ... and through that making my question more clear.

    All the best
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Johnny
    Thanx for your feedback and warm words on Israeli business.
    I do network and meet business owners in person but I feel it takes a lot of time I am looking for something quicker. I am working on my website I had a previous one and working on a new one but it Will take time before its up and running. I will be happy to have names for SEO experts after my website is up.
    Thanks for the answer will read your blog

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Hold free get-to-know-you nights at a local coffee shop/restaurant. Think of the meeting as part business mixer/part lecture. The point is to position yourself as the expert. Instead of advertising per se, create press releases for your local (business) newspapers and business groups.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    If the goal is to build your reputation, awareness of what you do, and the list of satisfied clients, why don't you want to use advertising? This is not a case of "If you build it they will come." Somehow you have to get the word out -- either by referral/WOM or advertising.

    And I think you might want to consider downplaying the "spiritual" aspect, as that is threatening to many of your prospective clients. Many business owners already meditate and/or use guided imagery to help solve business problems and they know it's effective. But they don't feel any need to share their approach with others ... because they already know many find it "strange" or will be turned off by the notion that it's not strictly logical and business-like.

    So my real recommendation to you is to reconsider your marketing plan -- not your product. First, position it so as to be more acceptable to the mainstream business community. Focus on the benefit and not the process. (People buy benefits, not tools.)

    And second, advertise to a very carefully selected target audience. "All business owners in Israel" is too broad.
  • Posted on Author
    Dear mgoodman
    Thanks for your reply - I find some of the points you make very helpful. Maybe I wasn't clear on what advertising is. I dont want to buy an ad on a local newspaper or buy a banner on other websites I want to use referrals, PR and word of mouth. You are so right about the focus on my target market - it can not be all business owners. As for downplaying the spiritual side sorry but I just dont believe in hiding who you are and what you give I think it's much more inspiring to be exactly who you are this is what people buy from me my integrity.
    Dear Jay
    I like that idea - will think about how to implement it.
    Dear Mbarber
    First thanks for your info on spirituality. I dont want to buy advertising because I feel that in my field I wouldn't go to a coach because of he advertised in the newspaper TV or radio. I will go because I heard good things about them from others or read about their business in an impartial article.

    Karen and Johnny
    You win - you had the most accurate response for my needs

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