
Topic: Advertising/PR

Promotion For An Exchange House

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
what are the different types of promotions that can be done in labour camps to bring more business for an exchange house,which is situated near to the labour camps?
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  • Posted on Member
    I am going to plead ignorance now. Being in the middle of Iowa (USA) I'm going to need some education regarding exchange houses and labour camps. I would guess an exchange house would have something to do with money. Labour camps sound like something we don't talk about!!!!

    Sorry! I know there are lots of folks on this list who are considerably more "worldly" - hopefully they'll step to the plate!

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I give up. What's an exchange house? What country?
  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted

    Labour Camp: Middle East's Swetshop labourer's rest pad.

    Exchange House: Where these lucky (!) Asian's convert their hard earned dinars. etc to the local currencies and send back home.

    Solution Direction

    You can explore every level of a customer engagement as a potential promo possibility, win him today and win him for his visa life (!) including something like a loyalty programme card, the more they use your services, give them something back...points that accumulate to gifts.

    The Asians are all homesick, do something in association with the local operator and for the exchange, or random draw, give them phone coupons to call back home...the client will never leave you, and will spread the word in more ways than you can imagine.

    Asians are family led: can't you source/despatch/gift children's cloth to their respective country?




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