
Topic: Student Questions

Critically Analyze & Differentiate Websites?

Posted by Anonymous on 80 Points
Here are three websites;

Critically analyzed these websites and then differentiate them according to usage rate - features- contents- benefits - user friendliness - creativity

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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Let's have a discussion. How about YOU go first. You critically analyze them and differentiate them according to usage rate - features- contents- benefits - user friendliness - creativity and we'll add our input and expertise where we think there's something to add.

  • Posted on Author
    I want to find if any of the website mentioned is created uniqueness and how customers' behaviors changes with these sites.

    So by analysing/reviewing all the websites you just add your input . It is your choice which factor you consider while analysis, eaither one factor e.g. user friendliness or all.

    I want your feedback about these sites that would help me in marketing and branding perspectives for the coupons websites. Thanks

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Some of what you're asking for is subjective and some objective. But in any event, you're asking for a basic SWOT analysis of your competition, and that's a project worthy of paying someone for (see:, rather than getting some quick impressions.
  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    What do YOU think? After YOU have analyzed the websites, you must have thoughts. What have you come away with that you might use or not use if for marekting and branding perspectives for the coupons websites. Do they create uniqueness and change customers' behaviors? If not, why not? Pick any or all differentiation points and put your thoughts down.

  • Posted on Author
    I have analyzed and thoughts. But the point here is getting multiple suggessions and responses.

    The decisions and conclusions become easy if lot of information and alternative thinking is available.

    So I ask this question in order to know what other in this community think and fell about.

  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    The learning in this forum is two way, not one way. We would like to learn what your thoughts are. How about sharing with us so we can gain from your insights.


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