
Topic: E-Marketing

Researching Commission Rates For Clothing Reps

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am researching commission rates for a start up e business which will handle internet clothing sales for boutiques. I have limited industry experience and am attempting to determine an appropriate rate to charge the suppliers.
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Confusion has set it. If I have a boutique are you trying to figure what my wholesale price should be?

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What is your service worth to them? What value do you provide (from their perspective)? What would they be willing to pay if they really understand the benefit you're offering them?

    The answer depends on what value you bring to them. Help us understand that, and we'll be able to help you figure out the commission rate.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    The commission rate is tied into your pricing strategy, right? You could charge 50% (or more) if your strategy is to be a super-premium service at a super-premium price. What is the business concept? Who will be your customers? What benefit do you offer them?

    It seems to me that you need to start by defining the business objectives, your positioning and your marketing strategy. And then you should talk with your suppliers to see if they have value for what you're doing, and what it's worth to them.

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