
Topic: Copywriting

Need A List Of Phrases

Posted by derek on 125 Points
Hello, this may not really fit in with this section but we are sending something out to "mend fences" with another company. I would like to come up with something humorous showing it's time to make up. I am looking to see if anyone can supply me with a list of phrases similar to "Bury the Hatchet". Once I see a list of ideas I will be able to do something with the creative. Thanks in advance
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Kiss and Make-up...
    Let Bygones...
    Turn the other cheek...
  • Posted by bill.hoelzel on Accepted
    Here are other idioms like "mend the fence" and "bury the hatchet." Hope they help.

    * Put the past behind us
    * Forgive and forget
    * Let a new day dawn
    * Start over
    * No longer live in the past
    * Stop the past from determining the future.
    * Let go of the past
    * It’s water over the dam
    * It’s water under the bridge
    * What happened in the past needn’t determine our future
    * Put an end to our dispute
    * Open a new chapter
    * Close the book on the past
    * Don’t look back
    * Forget the past
    * Leave the past behind us
    * Remember war no more
    * Let’s just forget what we were fighting about . . .
    * Yesterday is gone. Let’s think about tomorrow.
    * Don't stop thinking about tomorrow . . .
    * Repair our relationship
    * Whatever happened, happened.
    * Can’t change the past. Can change the future.
    * Hang up the hatchet

    Here's where I got "Hang up the hatchet."

    Idioms & Phrases from

    bury the hatchet

    Make peace; settle one's differences. For example, Toward the end of the year, the roommates finally decided to bury the hatchet . Although some believe this term comes from a Native American custom for declaring peace between warring tribes, others say it comes from hang up one's hatchet , a term dating from the early 1300s (well before Columbus landed in the New World). The word bury replaced hang up in the 1700s.

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 1997. Published by Houghton Mifflin.

  • Posted on Member
    Derek - how about:

    "Although this is not an easy letter to write, I would like to start the year by saying how sorry I am for what has passed recently. Hopefully, there is only one way for us to move forward - and that is up!

    I recently saw a phrase that summed up the situation for all of us here: "Only by letting go of the past can we truly move ahead".

    I hope that sentiment is mutual - and here's to good luck and a positive future!

    Best wishes


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