
Topic: Strategy

How To Integrate Sales System With Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello all,

My b2c company is considering hiring a professional sales trainer for help developing a "systematized" selling method for use by our representatives in the field. Of those "trainers" I've found, many tout how they'll "immerse themselves in your business", but none make much mention of integrating marketing and marketing technology, and/or "brand" within the sales process. I'm having trouble determining where the hand-off points might be between sales and marketing items in developing a sales system, and what to look for in a trainer. I know it's a bit vague, but any thoughts on this?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Well as an alternative to a "trainer, or perhaps a preliminary techinque to utilize BEFORE hiring a trainer...

    However, my initial reaction to your question is you absolutely have to establish effective COMMUNICATION between the two teams in order to gain each other's respect and understanding, which will put everyone on the same page and focused on the same goal.

    First, hold a meeting...or rather a "bitch session" with the sales and marketing departments. Let it all out! Make sure management is there to moderate.

    During or after the meeting, have every person write down what he/she would like to see changed and/or improved upon by the other department, including questions about the activities of the other department that are unknown to the other.

    Use this feedback to establish a "cross-training" sit-in by partnering up members to "shadow" each other for a day or a week so the members of the respective teams can see first hand what hurdles, frustrations etc the other experiences.

    Afterwords, hold another meeting...I bet the responses and attitudes will be quite different and the beginning of a unisys will be established. It may be a slow process, but communication between departments is essential in order for the company to function at optimum levels.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I'm a newbie on this board - but I've spent years in the trenches dealing with this very issue. I would like to know more about the length of your sales cycle, the average purchase price, the technical complexity of your solution, the current organization of your sales team...

    ... but to fix the problem, I would suggest you consider giving the inside sales folks responsibility for care of the prospects and pipeline over time, including responsibility for getting the deals done, and to look to the field sales folks as resources to help when needed.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Thanks for providing more info on your situation. Sorry, most of my personal experience is survey work and B2B high tech sales, typically working with sale people who are employess rather than independent, and it seems as though you are in a very different market...

    ... if but if I were personally in your situation, especially if I were interested in adding new representative firms, I would make a list of rep firms in markets I'm currently under-represented in. I would call those rep firms with a survey call and ask for a minute or two of their time. I'd say that my speciality is building wonderful homes, not selling them - that's their specialty. I'd say that I wanted to do the best job I could of supporting my current reps - and I'd would ask them what sorts of builder programs they find most helpful in selling homes.

    For example, you are considering providing training. You might ask them what sort of training programs they find most helpful.

    You will need to carefully sort through the comments, but you may find a good idea or two, and a good potential new representative or two.

    I would NOT call and ask my current partners - that call might create unrealistic expectations on their part.

    If you are lucky, you will meet one or two folks in your industry who are willing to share some ideas. Such advice can be quite valuable, as this forum shows.

    Good luck.

    p.s. If you want more info, e.g. on how to build lists of such companies, please feel free to call or email me anytime.

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