
Topic: Website Critique

Please, Critique

Posted by NatashaChernavska on 1000 Points
My friend has hired developers to create a site.

I am a usability specialist and a web designer. I am trying to persuade her that the site is done awfully bad: reading is hard, there is no balance, symbols are not intuitive, checkout is confusing, color scheme is too blended.... And the overall impression is sloppy. Am I being too harsh or you would agree?

I would like your input, especially opinions of professional developers and Usability specialists. Am I asking for perfection or there is a lot of sense in what I think about the site?

Thank you!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    For me the home page is all about selling stuff, but it's unclear who would want it, why the software is worth it, and proof that it does what they say it does. That's what's missing - a clear benefit statement. People will put up with a confusing UI if the message/value is high enough.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Some comments, in no particular order:

    1) Grey tones and colors - for me these were fine.

    2) Landing page - simplify it. Emphasize a USP or value proposition.

    3) You have some good videos. I would be inclined to make the video rectangles larger, give them more emphasis. The Internet gurus say, with considerable credibility, that a good, short video featured front and center on the landing page is about the best attention getter one can have.

    You can insert some videos under a section entitled "Testimonials." Some websites go overboard on testimonials. I have read in several places that anything over five or six is overkill.

    4) A money back guarantee is a very strong sales tool. The benchmark for all guarantees is Land's End "Guaranteed. Period.", cf.,,1_36877_36883_37024___,00.html

    5) You have some good free content under Research. Re-name that and give it more emphasis. There you are helping people a) to learn music and b) to understand better your product offerings. The tag "research" does not "grab" the average website viewer.

    6) If your website is in the U.S., consider doing a mini-website in Spanish. There are over 20 million native speakers of Spanish there and the Hispanic culture is quite music oriented. That the software is in English would be o.k. After all, these folk are in the U.S. and English is the standard language in the computer world anyway.

  • Posted by andrew.coffman on Member
    I am usability professional and I agree with you. The first thing I noticed was the same gray color used all over and nothing visually popping which as a user made me uninterested. They have such a beautiful and interactive butterfly/spyglass flash image. Some of those colors need to be used on the nav bars at the top and side to make it more intuitive. Other thoughts:
    -- Place the video of what it is on the homepage! Video a must!
    -- Not crazy about the logo as its rather boring and plain
    -- I like the staff at the top - the orange should be on and change to gray when moused over
    -- The sales links are very confusing and when you go to the product page the shopping cart is poorly designed
    -- I think the entire site should all be above the fold. it would make the entire site less cumbersome and easier to navigate
    --Learn with us should read Learn Now! FREE!

    Good luck!

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