
Topic: SEO/SEM

Can I Search Domain Names By Text String?

Posted by telemoxie on 789 Points
I would like to find a list of domain names which contain the text string “olney”.

Using good old-fashioned DOS wildcards, I am looking for:
*olney* and olney* and *olney

Are there any easy ways to do this?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted by telemoxie on Author
    Kathleen: thanks, but I'm sorry I guess I wasn't very clear.

    I am not attempting to search for a new domain name work to register a new domain name.

    I am looking for existing domains which contain a certain text string.

    If I do a standard Google search, it will return results which contain the text string either in the domain name or in the text of the website. I am attempting to restrict my search to just text strings within the existing domain name.

    I am attempting to do some competitive analysis, and so I am looking for sites which address local issues in Olney. unfortunately there are many cities with the same name, but I would rather search through a shorter list of URLs rather than trying to read every webpage which contained the word "olney”
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    you can use the advanced operators inurl and allinurl to find the terms within URLs. However, this will provide search results that include the term anywhere within the URL.

  • Posted on Member
    You can use the advanced operator that Excellira mentioned, but limit it to only domains listed on Domain Tools (not just the for-sale ones) using the following in Google: inurl:olney

    Or, you can use a tool such as:

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