
Topic: Career/Training

Institute For Chartered Films Auditors

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Dear Experts,
Last week I had asked some questions on Film Certification and Censorship and had received excellent response.

I have some new questions:
1. Should film industry have Auditing instead of Censorship?
2. Can it be taught like in a CPA, CA course?
3. Towards self-certification by a film maker can a course be run by an institute? Will it be a viable option?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    As you know by my rather passionate answer to your previous question, I strongly believe in Auditng over Censorship.

    As far as being taught as a course, sure it can. However, you have to carefully and meticuously define the parameters to validate the cerrtification.

    Here's an example of the process a university has to go through in order to get a new course added to the curriculum, which is somewhat similar to what you will have to do.

    I would also recommend contacting a local film school for procedures as well. had some interesting, self-certification processes, but were mainly IT and computer focused, HOWEVER, they do have a section where you can ask about how to create your own industry specific testing and CA.

    Good Luck!!

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