
Topic: Strategy

Tying Lead Qualification To Lead Nurturing

Posted by jacquleyn.joseph on 250 Points
Our business currently does not engage in any lead nurturing and I feel that we are loosing a lot of potential customers because of it.

I was asked to plan our marketing strategy for the remainder of this year. I am proposing that we develop a series of trigger emails for the purpose of lead nurturing but am having a difficult time figuring out how to incorporate lead qualification. Lead qualification being a great tool to determining if the lead should go to our one salesman.

Our product is one that is a real financial investment. We offer financing plans and many people express interest in us until they find out the price...

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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Before you invest in lead generation, find out why you are losing sales because your price is too high. That is a stall, not a real objection. Your salespeople must sell the product regardless of price. I'd work on establishing value, and find out why your salespeople are losing sales. (If they say price, don't accept the answer-- go deeper)

    Until you resolve that issue, you'll create leads but still have same dreary results.
  • Posted by jacquleyn.joseph on Author
    I completely agree with the idea and think that it would work somewhere else. Where I'm at our only salesman is the son-in-law of the president and in general my boss thinks the only thing broken is the marketing...
  • Posted by jensprague on Accepted
    Lead qualification should incorporate a couple of dimensions: 1. where they are in the buying cycle (ie: budget identified? buying power identified? just gathering information for someone else? etc.); 2. how they match up demographically to your best (most profitable) customers; 3. where the lead was sourced from and knowledge and metrics from your various lead sources (ie: PPC yields lots of entry-level leads who are just fishing -- they will likely be in your lead nurturing cycle longer vs. someone who has registered to download a white paper, etc.) Once you've identified these dimensions and come up with a lead scoring system based on them, you can then score your leads and create your "triggers" to address each segment of leads in your cycle. Don't forget to "add" to their score as they become further engaged through your email triggers so that you are moving them either up or out of the lead nurturing pipeline as time moves on. Hope this helps!
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Well then consider reality and you are in a lose/lose. With a family biz like this you are the outsider and being set up as the scape goat. You can do what you are asked to do and postpone the inevitable. But someday the dad will either have to deal with son-in-law, or blame it elsewhere. That would be you.

    Build your case. Track the leads you generate and hand over to son. Track results, even if he refuses follow up. In emotional family matters as these, you really have to deal with concrete evidence. And you can compile that.

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