
Topic: Advertising/PR

Looking For Partneship/ Seo Optimization

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hello to everybody

We are a new promising startup. The idea has already been transformed into the website, the facebook fan page and the twitter account.

Low traffic is the only problem, we are looking for webtraffic partners to thrust our startup to its maximum potential.

Also will be thankful for any working ideas of website promotion
Thx, Ben

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What have you done to generate traffic? Were you thinking that "if you build it they will come?" (If so, that's the problem.)

    Rather than gather a long list of the ways people generate traffic, you're probably better served to go back to the business plan and marketing strategy to be sure you've implemented everything according to the blueprint, and identifying where things broke down. (And if you DID execute according to plan, then maybe the plan is the problem.)

    Maybe you didn't advertise as heavily as you originally thought you would. Maybe you were in the wrong media. Maybe the copy was not very strong. Maybe you didn't target your message to the right audience. Maybe the offer was weak. Etc. Etc.

    Direct your energies to diagnosing the source of the problem. THEN you can tailor a solution to address the real problem.
  • Posted on Author
    Awesome answer, but

    We are looking not for a piece of advice (thx anyways). We are looking for somebody who will be able to promote our project for a profit share
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Whoever will do that will need to be a real "product believer." Do you want to give us some clue as to the target audience, key positioning benefit, competitive set, etc.?

    Generating traffic for a profit share is not usually very attractive for those who are really good at it. There are too many determinants of profit that are not in the control of the person generating traffic.

    Would you consider paying per click through to your website?
  • Posted on Author
    target audience:women 18-55
    key positioning benefit: its a voice service helping people to struggle against difficult life situations

    no thanks we consider paying for a result only

    Also we will be thankfull if you explain why generating traffic for a profit share is not usually very attractive for those who are really good at it.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    It would be fantastic if we all could hire people and pay them for a result. Unfortunately, the promise of pay does not interest those who are already busy working for people willing to pay for services rendered. Conversely, what kind of employee will you get who is desperate enough to work for the promise of pay.

    Here is a great illustration/explanation of the concept I'm trying to respectfully convey (I do hope you have a sense of humor) <-- NSFW

    and another:

    I do wish you well finding somebody to fit your requirements/opportunity. May I suggest that you post this project in the Marketing Profs Project area and choose from all the applicants who will apply.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted on Author
    thx for the links, great examples, very funny

    i totally understand that people prefer to be paid in advance. but we are tired of wasting money. once you pay people do their best to work less. thats why we wanna pay for the result

  • Posted by darcy.moen on Member
    I don't think you understand, people want to be paid for their work.

    It takes a lot of work to to build a web site, and it takes a lot of back and forth discussion, planning, and implementation to make a web site that is pleasing to the eye, well designed, navigates easily, and is very visitor friendly to use. But, despite the best designed web site,if the produce or service is crap (such as Herring flavored bubble gum), there will be no sales.

    What is your product or service being offered?

    I don't think you've wasted money because you know are the proud owner of information and techniques that does not work. Thomas Edison had recorded thousands of attempts to find the right material to make a filament that would produce an incandescent glow. He did not see each experiment that did not result in success as a failure, he saw it as progress towards finding the right solution.

    I don't think this is a failure of the people you've hired, its more of a failure to hire the wrong person. Did you ask potential contractors to produce evidence of their past successes? Do they have a portfolio of clients documenting proof of their skills and abilities? Did you call references to confirm evidence of success?

    And, do keep in mind, NOBODY can guarantee that page rank, search position, pleasing design, ease of use, or social media channel will generate traffic. As has been said: just because you've built it, nothing or nobody can guarantee 'they' will come.

    I think perhaps you've suffered from unrealistic expectations. The world is telling you something that you may not want to hear: they are not interested. Don't shoot the messenger.

    Yours is not the first business to have perhaps suffered the fate of 'Ready - Fire -Aim!. Time to go back a few steps and do some more research, determine WHAT features or advantages people ARE interested in, and start the whole process all over again.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network

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