
Topic: Strategy

How To Effectively Gather Prospect And Client Demographics Quickly

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My company does websites and provides membership databases for non-profits and chambers of commerce (B2B)

My Boss wants to update our marketing database find out if our clients and prospects are:
a - planning on changing their website within 1 to 2 years
b - switching their database within the next 1 to 2 years

as well as finding out:
c - how many members our clients/prospects have
d - how many employees the chambers have
e - other "demographic" information about our clients

very basic information, in our case its considered to be almost demographic. My problem is what is the best way to gather this information without directly calling each and every prospect in the book? How do we send out mass communications (whether it be email or snail mail) without being so obvious or abrupt with what we are looking for? Which do you think is the best method for contact?

Its sort of an odd situation because we aren't really selling anything with this marketing venture, however we are wanting to gather information so that we may do so later!

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I would suggst an email newsletter/invitation to a custom online survey.

    It is the easiest and less direct way to survey without have to actually contuct the survey yourself or compile the data.

    Most online surveys do all this for you once you get all the questions entered and all the emails sent out.

    For more detailed info, feel free to email me.

    Good Luck!

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