
Topic: Advertising/PR

Sponsorship For A College Feat

Posted by jash on 25 Points
Hello I am from RAIT college of engineering .We are having a cultural fest with day events consisting of day events like poker and football and night events like dj wars etc. We are looking at sponsorships for our fest . please help me in what my approach tactics should be
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What's in it for someone to sponsor the events? Who would be your ideal sponsor? Where?
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Get your media sponsor first. They will start getting the word out and will help you attract sponsors. Sponsors want recognition and media sponsors get recogition.

    Then make a list of companies that might be potential donors. Sit with everyone on the committee and brainstorm companies they have contacts.

    Most larger companies have a "community outreach" tab on their website just for sponsoring events. This is where you should NOT go. You'll be just one of a zillion. I have found it best to find a champion in the company -- they will walk your info to the right person.

    Think of the companies you patronize now, they are most likely to give back. Are there recruiters that come to your school? They might want to be sponsors.

    As far as tactics-- you just call and start a conversation. Explain the event, the recognition they will expect. Depending on the build levels of sponsorship so that donors are incentized to donate larger amounts to get bigger exposure. And coddle your sponsors. Make sure the event is successful for them.
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    And, when going to sponsors, be sure you can tell them what sort of attendance you expect (quantity, and type aka "demographics") Sponsors want to know that their messages are going to be exposed to their own target market, too.

    Best of luck!

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